King suddenly jumped up from the trees and tackled Navy to the ground.

His dad.


Purple's eyes lit up in an instant at the sight of the stick figure. Red smiled brightly, thankful one of their friends had finally found them.

"RED!" Blue tackled him to the ground in a crushing embrace Red gladly returned. The others ran over, as did Chosen and Dark.

"Are you okay?! Did he hurt you!?" Blue asked, frantically checking him over. Red stopped him, giving them a reassuring smile.

"Relax. I'm fine."

"PURPLE!" King screamed as he ran over to the frozen stick. Purple snapped out of his stupor and glanced at King.

King ran up and hugged Purple tightly, and felt his head relax as he felt Purple hug him back.

"Jesus, kid, you scared the stick out of me," King muttered, clutching Purple tighter.


"It's fine. Your safe. That's all I care about." King forgave.

Navy suddenly stood, a blade emerging from the bracelet settled on his wrist. He aimed at King and Purple, throwing the blade with such force that when it hit Purple, it sent him flying into a tree, plus leaving a large gash across his chest.

Silence filled the woods.

Red and Gold wasted less than a second racing towards Purple, and despite King being farther away, he ran towards him too.

Navy struck another blade and with another forceful throw, it landed between the trio and King, separating them all with a crack in the ground as red electricity sparked from the crack.

"Oh dear," Red said. "That's not good."

"That's not good at all! Purple, WAKE UP! We have to get out of here!" Gold snapped, trying to wake up the stick in question.

"But, your dad-" Red began.

"My dad can wait. We just have to get somewhere that's not here. It's not safe for us. But I know some people that can help us!" Gold interrupted.

Red tried coming up with something else to say, but silenced his sentence. He help Gold get Purple up just as he regained consciousness.

"What-what happened..." Purple said quietly.

"Doesn't matter. We'll explain later. Right now, we're getting out of here!" Gold explained, pushing Purple towards Red as he grabbed a weapon from the ground.

In any other instance, a tree branch was NOT a weapon. But to Gold, who wanted out of these woods, it was a weapon. He pushed Red into the woods, and the trio quickly began running away.

"GET OUT OF HERE! EVERYONE, RUN!" Navy's guards screamed, getting their master onto his glider before they all began running in an opposite direction.

"Tell your little friend," Navy bellowed towards Second, who took a protective stance in front of the group. "They have 24 hours to surrender Purple. I've been waiting for this moment!"

"What moment?" Chosen questioned angrily.

"Purple has been struck with something so powerful that I must have it. Think the Master Block, only much, MUCH stronger! I could rule the world with it!" Navy laughed before flying off on his glider.

There was silence once more.

King sunk to the ground, clutching his head in his hands as he sobbed quietly as the others discussed another plan.

"We need Alan. BADLY!" Green exclaimed.

"But, how? It was an arm and a leg to get here! Do you realize how hard it could be to get back?!" Second exclaimed.

"Uhm, guys-" Dark started.

"It wasn't hard the first time," Chosen reminded. "How hard could it be this time?"

"Guys-" Dark said, raising his voice again, body shaking with fear as he took side-eye glances at the crack in the ground.

"We had Alan that time!" Blue said. "We don't have him this time!"

"GUYS!" Dark screamed, catching the entire teams attention. They all glanced at him.

"Look at the hole." Dark said quietly, shaking so badly Chosen feared he might collapse.

A red, clawed stick climbed out of the hole. The hollow-headed sticks froze in fear.

"VIRABOTS!" Second screamed. Dark, startled at the shout, slipped before getting caught by Chosen, who glanced at the others.


They got away.

Gold exhaled heavily as they made it out of the woods. He took one look at the small campground in the distance, and hoped it was the right one.

"Me and my friends loved going camping over here." He said, mind almost being taken over by the happy memories.

He remembered them running around, playing, laughing.

*Maybe it could happen again* He thought to himself.

Suddenly, a sapphire colored stick ran up, nearly crashing into Gold, but crashing into Red and Purple.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I-" She stopped her sentence before taking another glance at the gold colored stick.




"Cho, you saw me destroy them! How can they still be alive?!" Second reminded them.

King remained silent, wanting so bad to cry but forcing himself to stay strong.

What would Gold think?

What would Purple think?


HE wanted Purple to come back so bad it was killing him.

All he could think about was Purple getting slammed into that tree. Was he okay?

Was he still alive?!

He'd heard the stories of what happened with those blades. They were terrible.

Not as terrible as losing Purple.

Oh Purple, please be safe. I can't lose you.


Note: I added more power to Dark's creation cause I wanna make it interesting
It also may or may not become Dark's weapon during the final battle(He fights with the allies cause why tf not)
Anyways, keep running up those hills dreamchasers! And stay tuned!

Father and Son(An AVM Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora