Purple happily accepted it, crushing Second into another hug. He ushered King over, showing him the painting. King smiled.

"He's quite talented, isn't he?" King said, glancing at the colored sticks. Green nodded. "Well-duh! He's an animator!" Blue said. Yellow punched him in the arm again.

"Hopes you guys come visit us one day." Yellow said. Purple beamed. King seemed happy just because Purple was happy.

"Hey guys...who's coming through the portal?" Second asked, stepping farther away from the portal. The four followed suit, and they hid behind King.

King stood protectively in front of the stick figures, keeping Purple behind him as the others huddled together.

A dark blue/navy colored stick figure emerged from the nether portal, glancing around before looking at the stick figures.

He cast a long look at Purple, and he recognized the figure in an instant.



"Father?!" King exclaimed in shock, before quickly turning towards rage. "So YOUR the person that abandoned Purple!" He shouted, bringing Purple closer to him as Purple cowered behind him.

The stick staggered back. "Abandoned?! Why would you think such a thing?" He said, his voice so gentle it was deceiving.

"Because obviously you didn't care enough to visit your wife's funeral or even comfort your grieving child! Cause he's here with me now, and I'm a better friend than you would've been!" King shot back.

"Purple also told me you abused both him and your wife. Your not a father, your a monster!" Green said, stepping forward. The figure stepped towards Purple and King, and Green retracted his step and clung to Second's arm.

Navy took another step and grabbed Purple's arm. "Well, thank you for caring about my son." He said, the threatening tone becoming defening.

"Let him go!" King snapped, reaching for the navy figure. Navy snatched Purple away, pushing King down, and led, or somewhat dragged, Purple towards the portal.

King regained his senses and ran for them. Second and the gang snapped into action and ran to help.

Navy reached for the portal, but Purple dragged him away from it, fighting his father's grip and reaching for his friends' hand.

King grabbed his hand and screamed for help. Red grabbed Purple's other hand and pulled against Navy's grip.

Navy threw Purple back, unacknowledging he had dragged Red with, and stumbled back towards the portal. King staggered up and reached for Purple's hand before all three of them were consumed by the portal, which was blocked from the other side, as the purple aura was replaced by the all too familiar look of cobblestone before King could run through after them.

An eerie silence fell over them.

King sank to the ground, banging his fists on the stone as he struggled to hold back tears. He failed again. He's failed to protect someone he loves. First Gold, now Purple. Why? Why?!

"Uh-King? You ok?" Second asked, reluctantly placing a hand on his shoulder. King choked out a small sob, and let his head fall into Second's arms. Green, Blue, and Yellow hit at the cobblestone, knowing there was almost no way to find them. Green let out a scream as he hit at the cobblestone, and Blue collapsed to the ground in anguish, hiding his head in his hands as Yellow hugged him.

And King remained frozen where he was, sobbing in Second's arms as he wondered one thing:

Why had Purple's dad come to find him after abandoning his family years ago?

"Hold up...that was Purple's dad?!" The sticks begin arguing minutes later. King dried his face and faced the sticks.

"Yes. His dad." He said. "But...but how did Purple know who he was without seeing him in years?!" Blue asked.

"Ever since all this ended, Purple's been having nightmares about his dad. He's been reminded of who we was, physically and emotionally, for weeks now. He's scared th-that..his dad will come back for him." King said, struggling to hold back tears. "And he did! And I couldn't protect him! And now your friend was taken by him too!" He finished, breaking down in tears once more.

Second grabbed his arms, and the others followed suit, comforting the sobbing figure. "Hey, it's okay. We can find them. It's not hard. We can just find another way to the desktop." Green comforted.

"How?!" Yellow asked.

Green and Blue looked at each other. "How'd me and Green meet Purple in the first place?" Blue asked, knowing everyone besides King knew the answer.

"BINGO!" Yellow screamed suddenly.

"What?" King asked in confusion.

"We go to the portal that leads to Purple's original desktop. From there, we email ourselves to Alan, have him trace where Navy took Purple and Red, and rescue them!" Yellow explained.

King stared at the stick figure. "We can do that?" He asked, slowly becoming hopeful.

"Me and Red did it to get back to the desktop before Purple stole Minecraft. If that worked, this'll work!" Second said.

King gave a look of hopefulness to the sticks. They looked at him in anticipation. "Well, let's do it." He finally said. Second smiled.

"Let's get our friends back!"

Red finally let go of Purple's hand but maintained the strength to pull him away from Navy. The duo cowered in fear as Navy patched up the portal with cobblestone. Navy turned to face them.

"Oh, how I've waited for you, my son." Navy said. Purple maintained a strong look, knowing his father hadn't changed a bit.

"Then why'd you leave me and mom?" Purple spat, venom and hatred clear in his voice. Navy only chuckled.

"I left, because of you," Navy said. "You were too babyish to fight and ran crying to your mommy every time I punched you!" He laughed, his voice becoming intimidating.

Red stepped forward, his body shaking with rage at the dark blue figure. "YOU were too harsh on him. His mom was not! You can't treat your own son like this!" He snapped.

Navy tackled Red and pinned him to the ground, a punch ready with his fist. "You DARE oppose me,-" Purple threw him off the stick figure with enough strength even King could muster up.

Red scrambled away and towards the taskbar, ready to grab weapons and something to light the portal back up with so they could get out of there. He jumped out of the storage folder, raced for Minecraft, and was violently tackled by Purple, who had been thrown from the folder and into the stick figure.

Both sticks crashed into the desktop wall before collapsing to the ground. Red struggled to keep himself up and attempted to crawl towards the Minecraft icon, but collapsed from exhaustion. He heard slight construction before a flint and steel fired up another nether portal.

Purple heard a sudden crash, fighting sounds, and footsteps. Suddenly, he heard a scream.



They must've found a way to email themselves to Alan's desktop!

His body fell limp, and he felt it being dragged, presumably by his father. He squinted his eyes open and saw King race towards the Portal.

Until it all went black.


Someone tell me why the hell my phone kept autocorrecting King to Ling XD
Side note: Out of all the interactions in this chapter, I loved writing Blue and Yellow's interactions the most. THEY'RE SO FRIGGIN CUTE OMG-Ok imma stop now but I love them sm

Anyways, keep running up those hills dreamchasers(God dammit Stranger Things I got Kate Bush in my head now XD)

Father and Son(An AVM Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن