❝ mind fucking ❞

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it was a month before the tour and soon enough they were posting the announcement, the guests and the dates. lexi was so excited for them. and herself because she got to travel with them and support them through it all. she was just so proud of them.

"this is absolutely mind fucking." chris said his eyes wide. lexi looked at him with even wider eyes.

"mind fucking? do you mean mind boggling?" lexi asked curious.

"no. i meant mind fucking." chris stated rolling his eyes at her. now she was concerned.

"you're unstable." she stated looking away from him.

"you're unstable." he said mocking her.

"you guys are crazy." madi said giggling at the two.

"no they just like each other." nick said doing the up and down eyebrows.

"i don't even consider him a friend let alone liking him." lexi stated glaring at nick.

"i don't consider her a girl." chris says which made her snort.

"i don't even consider you a man. you're a little ass boy." she said crossing her arms on her chest looking at him with the expression of 'keep going, i dare you'

"i'm gonna keep going." he stated narrowing his eyes at the girl, "i don't even consider her a person. she's a dog."

"did you just call me a bitch?" she asked.

"if the shoe fits wear it." chris says cockily.

"ooo, i'm gonna fucking kill you!" she shouts practically lunging at him. matt held her back. "fuck you." she says angrily to chris as she sits back.

"in your dreams." he says with a grin.

"i'm walking away before i go to prison for the rest of my dumb life." lexi says standing up and walking away. and after she did everyone bursted out laughing. "i can hear the laughing!" she shouts from the other room which just made them laugh at her louder, "go to hell, assholes!" she shouts again before bursting out in laughter herself.

𝄞 𓆩♡𓆪 🎧 ࿀࿁ ∗ ꒪ 𓂂ᣞ.

later that day madi and her were staying over at the triplets house. lexi was laying on the couch while madi slept with nick. she was just laying there staring at the ceiling. lexi sighed getting up to get a cup on water but when she turned around she seen chris which made her drop the plastic cup in fright.

"shit!" she exclaimed quietly. "you're a totally asshole." she whispered.

"go get a towel dipshit." chris said rolling his eyes.

"yeah, noted." lexi stated and went to the hallway closet where the towels were and took it to the spilt water on the floor. chris had already picked the cup up and refilled it for her. "thanks."

"mhm." he hummed and got the cheez-its out of the cabinet. he sat down on the counter and watched her clean it up.

"take a video it'll be in your mind forever." she says sarcastically.

"good idea." chris said with a grin he pulled his phone out and recorded her cleaning it up. and after she was done she flicked the camera off.

"dick." she whispered with a fake smile.

"asswipe." chris says back. "anyways, why are you up?"

"why are you up?" she asked back raising her eyebrows and took a drink of her water while leaning against the island.

"i asked you first."

"whatever. and i just can't sleep. now your turn."

"too busy playing games." he answered with a shrug before jumping off of the counter and walked over to lexi his face inches from her. he leaned into her ear, "goodnight." he whispered his lips touch her her ear slightly while his hot breath tickled her neck. he reach his hand out behind her.

she looked over to where he was reaching. he grabbed her cup of water and took a sip deep eye contact. he placed it back down and walked over to the cabinet putting the cheez-it's back before burping.

"you're disgusting." lexi said scrunching her face up.

"you know you have a crush on me." chris said with a wink.

"in your dreams. but you got your stupid saliva on my cup." she said rolling her eyes. she walked over to the sink and dumped the cup out as he walked back to his room. she laid down and eventually fell asleep.

𝄞 𓆩♡𓆪 🎧 ࿀࿁ ∗ ꒪ 𓂂ᣞ.

ִ we're crazy 𖥔 ˖ .

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