❝ thoughts ❞

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it has been extremely awkward between chris and lexi they hadn't shared many words which everyone noticed and constantly questioned them but neither of them wanted to talk about it. it was all annoying.

she hadn't even thought of romance between her and chris. she never thought of him like that.

nothing more than a friend. so when he had told her it was honestly such a big deal in her head.

he was a sweet guy but she just didn't feel that way about him and she wished she did so he wasn't hurt but she couldn't force something that wasn't there.

so instead of being awkward by talking they avoided each other as much as possible even if it was suspicious they couldn't even get a word out let alone a conversation.

it wasn't very fun for the two but the universe clearly wanted this so there was nothing they could do.

𝄞 𓆩♡𓆪 🎧 ࿀࿁ ∗ ꒪ 𓂂ᣞ.

ִ we're crazy 𖥔 ˖ .

we're crazy , chris sturnioloWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu