💛Chapter 8💛

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Y/n stared at the two bosses, how were they going to take them both out? She looked at Mario for any advice, but he was also confused

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Y/n stared at the two bosses, how were they going to take them both out? She looked at Mario for any advice, but he was also confused.

Luckily Rabbid Peach had some sort of idea, "how about we spilt into two and focus on them at the same time?"

"That's a great idea!" Y/n smiled, Mario looked between the two. "what did she say?"

The h/c haired woman looked at the bosses, Sandy had already begun lobbing his explosive cacti at us. "We split into two."

Luigi nodded in agreement, "that's perfect, I'll go for Blizzy." Rabbid Peach then agreed to fight Sandy.

"I'll go with Rabbid Peach," Mario nodded as he got his gun ready. Y/n nodded in understanding, I'll join up with Luigi then."

The green plumber smiled with a pink due on his cheeks, Puff then made angry noises, "oh right, you can try and give us cover from above."

Puff growled and flew into the air and started circling over the enemies like a vulture, "alright, let's go team!" Mario yelled.

Turn 1
Luigi was the first to move, using his itchy feet ability to allow everyone to move further, before moving up to the high ground of the tundra part and sent his sentry out to then blow up a ziggy.

Y/n followed the green plumber up to the high areas and shot at the ziggy to defeat him. And also called puff from above to shoot at Blizzy.

Rabbid peach then went behinh half cover and sent her sentry out at Sandy, and also put up her shield.

Mario then team jumped off Rabbid peach and stuck behind full cover with half cover to the side of him and attacked a ziggy.

The two ziggies were that were left shot at the sentry and put on their own technique.

Blizzy was then on the move, however due to Mario's hero sight was shot and then covered in honey.

"Wait I though we were following a plan here?" Y/n questioned looking at Mario from above. Before he could answer Blizzy shot a beam of ice over Mario's head and hit Rabbid peach.

The doppelgänger of the princess was now frozen, "ow! What was that for?!" Blizzy just laughed at her and Y/n growled in annoyance.

Puff then came down from above and scratched at the ice Rabbit, to which Sandy tried to show a bomb at, but the yellow dragon dodged just in time and went back into the sky.

Sandy then moved and also decided to pick on Rabbid peach, throwing a burning cacti at her and causing burn damage and her to run wildly around. To put even more fuel into the fire, she accidentally got into one of the ziggies line of sight and took even more damage.

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