Chapter 9- Shopping

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As the sun rose on another peaceful morning in Emon, birds can be heard chirping happily and the faint sound of humming can be heard from the keep of the protectors of the realm.

Everyone slowly shuffled into the kitchen, very hungover from the night before.

Keyleth twirls in, just like every other day, with flowers and birds following her.

"Good morning everyone." She sighs happily.

Most people grumble in response.

"Why?" Vex complains, holding her head.

"Why is she yelling?" Scanlan whispers hoarsely.

Liz is humming to herself happily whilst finishing up the dishes.

"Oh, good morning Vax." Keyleth greets excitedly after spotting the half elf.

"Morning." He muffles a reply. He heads from his spot next to Liz to his designated seat to eat his breakfast.

Just as he pulls his seat out, Grog swings his fist at his jewels like it was second nature. Vax drops his food and drink, thumping to the ground in pain.

Grog assess the damage. "Seven to two." He declares.

Vax pulls himself up using the table and glares at Grog. "I never agreed to this stupid game."

Percy sighs from the other side of the table. "Must you?"

"We can't all be aloof tightasses, de Rolo." Scanlan defends with bacon hanging out of his mouth.

Percy wipes the crumbs from his chin using a handkerchief. "I'm simply suggesting you could all benefit from some well-practised restraint." He complains.

"I practise restraint all the time." Liz quips, hanging up the maid style apron Scanlan had gifted her, taking a seat next to the gnome.

"Emotions aren't meant to be bottled up." Vex says, hugging trinket. "Maybe you should cut loose once in a while."

There was a pounding on the front doors. The group went silent and listened for signs of who was knocking. The doors can be heard opening as Allura pops her head around and calls out to Vox Machina.

"Hello?" She calls. "Uh, Vox Machina? Uh, are you here?"

Keyleth tries to open the kitchen door but struggles.

"It's stuck." She tells the group.

"Ugh, fucking doors." Scanlan moans.

"These old hinges are rusted." Vex observes.

"Could have something to do with all these extra vines that appear when someone enters the room?" Liz questions, replied with a nervous giggle from Keyleth.

"Grog, give it a little shove?" Pike asks as a last resort.

"Yep, one sec." He says, getting up from his seat with his food still in hand.

He kicks the door straight off the rusted hinges, sending it flying towards Allura, who was waiting in the hall, missing her but only just. The party walks out to greet her, Grog shoving the last of his food in his mouth.

"Lady Allura, welcome." Vax greets the unexpected guest. "Hope you didn't feel the need to bring a housewarming present." He bows awkwardly.

"I didn't." She replied bluntly. "Alas, I am only here to remind you that sovereign Uriel expects you at his dinner."

"Oh shit. That's tonight?" Vex recalls.

"Finally." Percy says pleased. "A proper evening of protocol and civilised conversation." He smiles.

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