Chapter 5

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Vox Machina enters the grand hall to find yet another council meeting. Overhearing part of the conversation they can tell that Fince has presumed them dead.

"Doom!" Scanlan interrupts. "We don't know the meaning of the word." He proudly confirms whilst looking away smugly.

"I certainly don't." Grog admits honestly.

After informing the Council that the beast is a Blue Dragon they are shocked to find that this is now common knowledge.

"Did you kill it?" Allura asks.

"I wouldn't say kill really." Keyleth avoids the question.

"We're still kind of working on that part." Pike tries to convince.

Krieg chuckles deeply. "I can't believe you made it out alive." He says in disbelief. "How did you survive?" He asks. Liz cocks a questioning brow at this but no one else seems bothered by it.

Scanlan attempts to be mysterious but Percy just out right explains their luck.

"Yep, not a scratch on us." Liz proudly declares, earning a glare from most of the group.

Vex holds her head in pain, this time being noticed by more of the group.

Fince looks away from the group uninterested.

"These blabbering fools are useless Sire." He scoffs. "Perhaps if we made an offering to the Dragon. Gold in exchange for peace?"

Scoffing and rolling her eyes Liz mocks Fince to Grog, making him giggle at her acting.

"Why don't we shake it's hand and offer it a fucking pint while we're at it?" Vax rolls his eyes in disbelief.

Vex steps forward hoping to be taken seriously.

"A Dragon can not be barter with, if it desires Emons destruction it will not relent." She insists.

Liz feels a sharp elbow in her side as a warning from Vax to pay attention. By the time she turns back to the room the guards are clearly pushing them out of the castle.

At the castle doors Trinket can be seen getting head and belly scratches from the attentive guards.

The group pays them no mind and gathers in a circle to discuss their next move.

"I felt it again. That same feeling I had around the dragon." Vex explains to the group.

Trinket rubs his head on Liz's hand earning a pat and ruffle from her.

"Oh you mean the pain in your head?" Liz asks, receiving a nod from Vex. Trinket sulks towards his owner.

"There must be a connection." Vex pats Trinket on the nose. "One of them is working with that fucker." She seems to get more agitated.

"Uh hu, uh hu." Scanlan agrees, sliding into the middle of the group. "I bet, I bet it's Allura." He accuses confidently. "I never trust anyone prettier than me."

Liz lets out a shocked gasp next to him. "Are you saying you don't trust me, Scanlan?" She places a hand over her mouth in fake worry.

Grog agrees with Scanlan whereas Vex sighs at their combined stupidity.

"No you dipshits, Fince." She says as though it was an obvious answer. Spotting their confused expressions Percy elaborates who Vex is referring to.

"Oh, I didn't catch anybody's name." Grog admits with a giggle.

"Me neither buddy." Liz reassures him from his shoulder that she was now leaning on.

Keyleth looks towards the city asking what their plan was.

"Vax and Pike go to Gilmores, buy us a weapon that can kill a dragon." Vex orders.

"Uh with what? We're flat fucking broke." Vax asks, leaning on his sister's shoulder.

Vex smiles cunningly. "Please, with the way that man dotes on you. I'm sure you can work something out."

"It's such a shame he's only into men. He is just up my street." Liz sighs standing alongside Scanlan.

"Let's go Pickle." Vax chuckles, seeming to be in a good mood.

"The rest of us will split up and search for Fince." Vex orders.

With Liz and Keyleth separating and making their way to the city.

"Now where would a crusty old man go for fun?" Liz asked, hoping to hear some ideas.

"Um, a library?" Keyleth suggests. Both obviously having no other clue start towards a tall building.

"So Keyleth tell me, what are you into?" Liz asks innocently.

"What?" Keyleth is obviously clueless as to what Liz is insinuating.

"Oh you know," Liz twirls around her with a knowing giggle. "Are you into tall men? Short men? Muscular? Skinny? Maybe not even men at all?" She wiggles her eyebrows. "Or a required taste for someone in particular?" Liz teases, now dragging Keyleth around in a silly dance as they walk around the streets of Emon.

Something catches Keyleths attention and Liz turns to see. It wasn't something but more like someone. Out of the corner of her eye she catches a black cloak going into Gilmores shop.

"Oh I see." Liz says with a knowing smirk.

"What? No!" Keyleth protests. Suddenly there is a hand either side of Keyleths head as Liz is pinning her to a wall of a stone building.

"Y'know, I'm an open book. Gender is not really an issue for me." Liz whispers huskily, she leans into Keyleths ear, using a hand to brush the loose strands of hair behind her antler crown. "I could always help, if you need some," She breathes a cool breath around her exposed neck. "experience." She whispers.

Just as Liz is about to lean back herself she feels a hand grab her around the waist, pulling her crashing into a hard chest. She giggles, looking at Keyleths flustered expression and red cheeks.

"Oh calm down big boy." Liz taps the already known arm around her stomach. "We were only having a little chat."

She hears an irritated sigh from above when suddenly she is thrown over his shoulder.

"Hey!" Liz complains, reaching out a hand for Keyleth to help her as she is being carried away.

"Scanlan has found something." Vax tells the small group, ignoring Liz's protests and carrying on walking.

Keyleth and Pike trail behind, both snickering at a very out of character and childish Liz being flustered.

"And will you stop flirting with the party?" Vax demands with a growl, earning an elbow to the back of the head.

"I wouldn't count on it!" Liz groans, giving up her struggling and accepting the free transport to their destination. 

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