Chapter 8- Settling in

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The party makes it back to the castle and presents the sovereign with the fang of Brimsyche as evidence of defeating him. Vex explains all the events that took place and the council is shocked but grateful to Vox Machina.

"Vox Machina, for your selfless heroism, I proclaim you all Protectors of the Realm and honorary members of the council of Tal'Dorei." Urial proclaims. "I know. I can hardly believe it myself." The Council chuckles.

"Oh, how I've missed respectability." Percy sighs.

"Yes, yes, yes, that's all fine and good but where is the." Vex stops short when the chest that was promised to them is placed on the floor. "Ah, there we are." She grins, excitedly opening the box only to find two items inside.

"Uh, keys? Parchment?" Scanlan questions. "Where's our reward?"

"You're holding it." Uriel confirms. "The deed to your new keep here in Emon. We need our protectors close at hand to, you know, protect." He addressed the group.

Vox Machina are surprisingly happy to have a permanent place to sleep without worry of gold. Scanlan on the other hand is disappointed.

"Uh-huh. Uh, hypothetically, if we sold it, how much do you think that..." He trails off after getting a knowing look from the Council. "Okay."

Vex takes the deed to read it.

"Sister, we have a home." Vax says sweetly. Vex looks up at him emotionally.

Keyleth, obviously really excited, ruins the touching moment between the siblings, slinging her arms around their necks.

"It will not be a brothel." Percy demands, looming over Liz and Scanlan as they whisper about secret codes and knocks. Earning a glare from the twins as well.

"As protectors," Urial interrupts. "You must understand that the threat is far from over." Catching all of the party's attention. "We suspect Krieg may have been part of a larger plot. As such, I have arranged an important banquet to discuss the security of our realm." His tone changes to being quite chipper. "It'll be quite delightful really. We have a wonderful cook."

"We trust you will attend. In fact several dignitaries should be on their way as we speak."
The group agree and start making their way towards the outskirts of town towards their new home.

As they all lay eyes on the keep there are different reactions.

The walls around the small stone manor are high but also crumbling and littered with vines.

"Wow." Liz says sarcastically.

"I know, isn't it great!" Keyleth says excitedly, clearing not grasping the tone.

"We kill a fucking dragon and they put us in this dump!" Scanlan complains.

"It's just a fixer upper." Pike tries to convince.

"Plus you've stayed in worse." Vax teases, pushing open the front gates.

They enter the manor and the inside is no better. The halls are overgrown with weeds and the doors are clearly rusted. Liz races past the group, up the stairs.

"I call dibs on this room." She declares, pointing to the door right at the top of the stone staircase.

"But you haven't even seen inside?" Vex questions suspiciously.

"Doesn't matter, I want it!" Liz demands, opening the door and entering with a proud strut.

"Damn, she was way too fast." Scanlan curses to himself.

Vax eyes the closed door suspiciously but proceeds to choose rooms with everyone else.

For the rest of the evening the party sat around a large dining table in the kitchen. Percy was trying to organise the house but most of the party were swapping funny stories, paying no attention.

"Will you all please shut up!" Percy yelled, getting everyone's attention and quieting the room. "As I was saying, if we are going to be staying here together we need to sort out this mess of a keep. I suggest we start by improving our living space." He suggests.

"I can take care of the weeds." Keyleth offers excitedly.

"Thank you Keyleth." Percy smiles gratefully.

"I don't clean." Liz grunts, earning a frustrated glare and growl from Percy. "But I suppose I'm decent at cooking." She compromises so as not to hear his nagging anymore.

"Okay, Keyleth will get rid of the weeds, Liz can be in charge of meals, Grog and Vax can help me with repairs." The two sighed. "Vex, Pike and Scanlan can clean the floors and windows?" He suggests.

Everyone nods, most reluctant.

"Right, that sounds like a job for tomorrow." Scanlan stretches and hops off his chair. "I'm hitting the sack."

Soon everyone follows suit, making their way to bed. Surprisingly almost everyone isn't knocked out instantly, most deciding that fighting a dragon called for baths.

Liz is the last to use the in house fancy looking bath and heats the water up just right. She enters slowly, sighing every time the water hits her aching muscles.

After a while a knock comes at the bathroom door.

"Elizabeth?" Vax knocks again. "You've been in there for ages." He complains, but no answer comes back. "Liz?" He panics a bit in the absence of noise. "If you don't reply in the next 3 seconds I'm coming in." Again no reply.

He takes a deep breath reaching for the door handle. "1...2...3..." As he turns the handle the door itself opens to reveal Liz in a towel. He white skin blushed red from the heat of the bath, she looks up at Vax not realising he was even there.

"Woah, sorry Vax. I fell asleep in the tub." She grins up at him innocently.

Vax gawks at her form below him, quickly looking away. "Yeah, well be more careful next time." He lectures and stomps off towards his room.

Liz tilts her head, questioning his behaviour but deciding she doesn't have the energy to care and heads straight to bed.

The next morning Liz wakes up with the sunrise naturally, making her way to the kitchen. She inspects the equipment she has to use and decides to head into town for more cooking supplies.

She enters the house with not a sound, in the shadows at the top of the stairs is a figure, it watches her enter the house and disappears back towards the rooms.

She makes her way to the kitchen and begins making breakfast for her friends.

The first people up are Vex and Percy. They enter the kitchen and look around in shock.

"You made all this? It smells marvellous" Vex praises in disbelief.

"Well I am feeding Grog." Liz states, hiding a small blush from the praise.

The dining room table is filled, buffet style with eggs, bacon, sausages, grilled tomatoes, fresh bread, salad and lots more.

The kitchen door slams open missing Liz by an inch.

"Woah." Groag cries, looking around at all the food on the table.

"Watch it." Liz hisses, closing the door for them.

"Thank you for the food." Grog, Pike and Scanlan yell at the same time before digging in.

"Wow, this is amazing!" Keyleth exclaims, clearly waking up in a good mood. "Good morning everyone!" She cheerfully greets, only to be met with grunts as the rest of the party are stuffing their faces. "Oh, good morning Vax." She moves out of the way as Vax shuffles in behind her.

"Morning." He replies, walking to a seat and shoving a piece of bread in his mouth.

"Well someone's not a morning person." Liz teases.

"Well someone woke me up at the crack of dawn with her big feet stomping around." He glares towards the culprit.

Liz sticks her tongue out at him, choosing to ignore his comment.

"I warned you not to take the room next to hers." Vex reminds him. Vax ignores her and begins plating his food fast before it is all gone.

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