The second I stepped to walk at the back entrance, Sean grabbed my hand tightly, not letting me go no matter how much I tried to get out of his handle.

"Just apologize and it'll be over," he whispered before smiling at the boys. "Hey, guys. You remember my sister, right?"

Lucas with the dyed blonde hair and pompadour look, that gave way for people to see his grey eyes, and somehow defined jaw and cheekbones, grinned at me like we were old friends. He looked more built than the rest of the guys but the rest were a little taller than him. "Wow, you're pretty."

Before he could say anything else, Tyler had already slapped him at the back of the head and I felt so grateful while the butterflies that were in my stomach were going crazy. Oh, didn't I mention that I have a huge crush on Tyler?

He had this long light brown hair that was always tied up into a man bun and it matched those chocolate brown eyes. He's more serious than anyone of them. He's the only one that ultimately has never made fun of me. He's quiet, mysterious, and the definition of the phrase "tall, dark, and handsome"—of course, everyone would like him.

I remember when we were in tenth grade, and I was pushed down by some guys from the football team. Their names are Freddy and Harry. They decided that it was a good choice to play a prank on me. I was going to drink some water from the fountain but when I pushed the button, it seemed like a trigger of something and I didn't know that until I felt a bucket of blue slime fall and land onto my hair, face, and shoulders. I was pointed at by fingers and was being laughed at.

I was supposed to get used to it but something about that just snapped inside me and I was suddenly crying. My feet weren't moving because I knew that if I did that, I would fall and that would be even more humiliating than what's happening right now.

With my hands on my face, covering my stifled cries, I felt fingers on my hands, pulling them away from my face. I lifted my eyes up to find Tyler's expressionless eyes staring right at me. He didn't say anything and just turned away from me to look at Freddy and Harry. The two shitheads were fidgeting around, eyes on the people around us but not on Tyler's.

"Did you two do this?" He asked and the two of them nodded. "You're going to the principal's office and tell him what you did, do you hear me?"

They just simply nodded again.

Next thing I knew, I'm being dragged away from the scene with him holding my hand. I'm staggering behind him and we stop at an empty hall that I never even knew this school had. He removed his back pack and reached for his plain blue navy t-shirt and hands it out to me.

I furrowed my brows at him, completely confused at what's happening.

"You need to go to the girl's shower and change into something that's not covered in slime. Seeing how your pants aren't even affected, then you can just use it again. Your shirt, however, isn't going to work anymore so take this," I stare at the shirt. He pushes it to me even more. "Take it."

I took it reluctantly. "Thank you."

"For what?" Tyler asks. "I've wanted to get them kicked out of football for a long time. I couldn't do it out of nowhere so when they did that to you, it was pretty much a good excuse. Your shirt is ugly, so I'm glad that you now have a reason to throw it out."

Then he just walks away.

It wasn't romantic, I admit, but it was kindness and I gladly took it.

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