Part 1- New feelings?..

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-Hello! I had an idea to make something for Valentines Day! Also the valentines major part will come put on actual valentines day! So that's what i'm going to do! Hope you enjoy it!!<33 (Art not mine)☺️🫶

Time line:Gus and Matt are walking hone after they have just left the graveyard, other time skips etc, will
be mentioned! This part is also just in Matt's pov!

Matt's pov:

I'm walking home with Augustus and he's talking about how he will teach me to do illusions and stuff. To be truthful, i am a little interested..But that doesn't mean anything! I doubt we will really talk to each other again anyways. "Mattholomule? Did you hear me?" Augustus says nudging me a little. "Oh, no sorry i kinda spaced out.." I reply admittedly. "That's fine! Well i said what time would we be coming here on the weekends? As you said we would come to help out earlier?" Augustus asks. "Uh i don't really know, what times good for you?" I question him. "Hmm..Maybe 9-10am ish? It gives us quite a bit of time!" Augustus suggests before smiling at me for an answer. "Sure i guess, that works for me." I reply. "Alright! That's good!" Augustus smiles. It turns silent for a few seconds. "Um do you want to see this cool human holidays book i found?" Augustus questions me. I look at him confused as he didn't look like he had a book with him. "From where? You don't look like you have a book with you?" I ask confused. "Oh no, its at my house! I'm asking you if you want to come round and read it then with me?" Augustus corrects me. "Oh, right." I say puzzled. "Well? Would you like to?" Augustus says again waiting for an actual answer. "Uhm, sure i don't have to be home till later so i guess i will.." I give in as he shows a pleading face towards me. "Yay!! Come on let's not waste anytime!!" He says whilst grabbing his palisman and turning into his staff. "Hop on!" He exclaims as he pats the back of his staff levitating above the ground slightly. "Wait- why are you standing?" I ask nervously. "No questions!" He exclaims as he pulls me on STANDING! "Ah! How is this safe?!" I say struggling to keep my balance as the staff gradually lifts higher. "Don't sweat it! Here, hold onto me!" He reassures me as he grabs my hands to hold onto his torso. I shiver to his touch but don't say anything as he flies his staff towards his house.

We arrive at his house and he helps me down off his staff as it turns back into its alive form. "Let's go inside up to my room!" He says pushing me into his house and shutting the door behind him. We both walk up the stairs towards his room. "Welcome to my room!" He squeals as he pushes his door open. I look in awe as i look around at all the glowing stars on his ceiling and other various decorations. "Whoa, this is your room?! How is it this pretty?!" I exclaim in shock. "Haha, well i guess i like to make it quite decorated as i like to stay in my room a lot!" He says scratching the back of his head. I look around slowly until my head stops as i catch a sight of something on his desk. "Are those...Are those my fake human artefacts?!" I shout surprised. "Huh? Ah! Y-yeah maybe, sorry i like collecting things a lot.." He says nervously laughing. "Oh, no need to be sorry, i just thought you would've trashed them." I say. "Oh no, i wouldn't! I thought it was kind of creative!" He says smiling. "Right.." I say as i feel confused inside as i feel a tingly sensation in my chest. What? What is this? Ugh whatever..

About 1 hour later, we finished reading about the human holidays in Gus's book. "So, lemme get this straight. Its ONLY about love??" I ask confused. "Yeah! Basically but not necessarily family love, more like um, true love? I don't know how to put it." He explains. "I know what you mean, but like why don't we have that? It seems kinda fun..i guess.." I mutter. "You think it's fun?! Ooh! Maybe we could do that!! We could ask the school to make the day and have like a dance or something?" He suggests. "Well maybe, we could try?" I agree. "Yes! We can ask tomorrow! And we'll also make posters! Wanna come over tomorrow too to do that?" He says wondering. "Uh sure, can we meet outside and go to your house then?" I ask. "Sure! Do you want to walk with me and my friends?" He suggests. "Sure, i guess i don't mind." I say. "Okay! Well what do you want to do now? Oh! Actually how about we watch a scary movie!" He squeals. "A scary movie?..Sure! I-i'm not scared of them!" i fibbed. "Great! I'll get the snacks! Be right back!" He exclaims getting up and leaving the room to get the snacks from downstairs. Titan!! Why did i agree?! I HATE scary movies!! I'm actually terrified of them! What am i gonna do..I can't let him see i'm a wimp! He'll think i'm weak! Ugh..I'll just try not to show fear then i guess.

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