three - intense gym

Start from the beginning

They're all silent, so I just roll my eyes and carry on to class.

- - - - -

I'm pretty sure I've scared everyone in that hallway because I walked out of my biology class for gym and there was a path for me. Barely anyone looked my way, but it was obvious they looked once they were out of my eye sight.

This school has much more weaker students. Usually, it'd take a full week for me to even be intimidating.

Austin hasn't said anything to me ever since, but I don't think he was ignoring me. The teacher sat me in the front because a girl felt "uncomfortable" by me, but that's fine. I couldn't give two shits.

The one thing I liked about my gym teacher is that she understands if I want to wear something to cover my arms. I had to explain it to her a bit, but she understood after I said 'I don't feel comfortable'.

I walk into the gym with a plain, black hoodie, black Vanz, and black gyms shorts (yes, I love black). I haven't really seen my legs in a long time (due to me not liking my body whatsoever, so I don't show it). I don't even look as I take a shower.

Apparently, I'm pretty appealing because a few boys, who I'd like to call 'fuckboys', whistle as I walk to sit on a bench and a few girls scoff. I roll my eyes and take a seat, leaning on my leg.

I don't see why I'm so intimidating, anyways. I'm a 5'2, petite, outspoken, female who doesn't really give a shit about anything. Wait, that's probably why I'm so intimidating.

I don't care so, no one can affect me.

I love finding out new things about myself. I feel more strong for some reason.

"Hey, dude," someone speaks as they take a seat next to me. Before I can even look up, there's a bag of fruit snacks in my lap. I then know who it is. "I thought my new friend would like a snack before class started."

Chuckling, I look up at Austin with amused eyes. Fruit snacks were really the only thing I ate, nowadays. Not that I starved myself or anything, I honestly just don't feel that hungry at all, but I know I still have to eat. "I suppose I'm supposed to share with you?" I asks, tearing the bag open.

He nods and opens his mouth. "That costed a whole 75 cents. The least you could is share."

I throw one in his mouth and he crews it as soon as he feels it on his tongue. I laugh and plop one in my mouth, too. We just sit on the bench, waiting for the coach, eating fruit snacks before I ask, "Don't you have anymore friends? You seem pretty popular."

He sighs and shrugs. "Not really. I just talk to people who want to have a conversation. And I'm only popular because I'm on the basketball team and sing a little."

I grin. "Basketball team? I love basketball! Well, I love playing it. I used to play with my sister when we were younger."

"You guys don't play anymore?"

I shake my head. "Laura's too busy."

"Oh, well, I'm sorry, but maybe we can get together and play a few games sometime." He says placing a hand on my knee.

I smile and nod. "I'd like that."

"Oh, and by the way, when you screamed at everyone in the hall before biology, that was hot." Austin says with a wink, before getting up as the teacher blows her whistle.

I roll my eyes before putting my snack in my bag and standing, too. I catch up to Austin as he sprints over to the coach. "What are we doing today?"

"I don't know; she chooses random things on Wednesdays."

I scan everyone as we all stand around in a circle. The boys seemed to dress appropriate. The girls were another story. I smirk and lean on my right hip. They call me a slut? Please, I'm pretty sure the girl right across from me isn't even wearing a bra, yet she has on no jacket.

"I don't have much planned for today, because my sister had a terrible miscarriage last night and--" The gym teacher, who I forgot what their name was, says with a sigh.

"I'm really sorry for her lost. I hope she feels better soon." I say, giving her a soft smile.

She gives me a small smile and nods. "I think I may already like you, Dawson."

A girl scoffs before saying, "She's literally just kissing your ass, Mrs. Beechling."

I roll my eyes. "Or maybe I actually feel bad for her sister, who lost her child. Sorry that you don't know what caring or sympathy for other is, bimbo."

The teacher chuckles at us and I turn back to look at her. "I definitely like you, Dawson," she speaks, making the other girl scoff and me grin. "Anyways, I think we're going to just have a free day. You'll get your grade as long as I see you work for it."

She blows the whistle and waves everyone off with her hand.

"Looks like it's your lucky day; wanna shoot some hoops?" Austin asks and nudges me.

I chuckle and say, "Sure, but you're gonna have to be easy on me. I'm a bit rusty."

"Nope," he says with a chuckle. "If we're going to play basketball, you're probably screwed anyways, because I've been on the basketball team for two years."

"She's screwed regardless, man," a boy says as he leans on Austin's shoulder. "She's a girl."

I smirk at Derrick. "That's pretty sexist of you to say, but since 'I'm a girl' means I'm screwed, give me a ball."

"Derrick, just go." Austin mutters, sending him a glare.

"Aye, I just wanna see," he pauses and snatches a ball out of someone's hands, making them scoff and walk away. "how good your little girlfriend is at basketball."

Austin rolls his eyes. "She's not not my girlfriend."

Derrick waves him off. "Yeah, yeah, whatever," he says and tosses me the ball. "Shoot it, shorty."

I nod and step back from the court, almost to the center of the gym. Taking a deep breath, I shoot it. A smirk forms on my face when it goes in with a bounce off of the backboard.

I walk up to Derrick, my smirk still remaining, and say, "Next time, keep the sexist comments to yourself, fuckboy."

There's a few laughs and 'ooohs' coming from the sides so I turn back at everyone and see they're looking at us. Really, it's just the boys where are impressed, while most of the girls are scoffing and rolling their eyes.

"That was awesome, Ally!" Austin exclaims, not caring about the staring eyes.

I give him a nod and a grin. "Thank you."

"Here," He says as he gets behind me. His arms go over mine and our hands are touching on the ball. I raise an eyebrow at his action. "If you want to make air, which means for it to just go straight into the basket, you have to lean back a bit and adjust your arms."

I do as he constructs and we both jump up and shoot the ball, it landing in with a 'swoosh' of the net. We pull away from each other and the ball comes back to him.

"Obviously, since no one's gonna join us anytime soon, how about some one-on-one?" He suggests.

I snatch the ball from his hands and immediately shoots it. It goes in and I cheer for myself. "One point for me!" I exclaim as the ball comes back to me.

"No way!" He says as he reaches for the ball. "You cheated!"

"You never said when we had to start!" I mock and try to run away, but he latches on to my waist and lifts me off the floor.

"No way, dude! That's not how it works."

I knee him. "It is now." She teases and aims the ball to shoot once again.

I hope you liked it! Vote and comment, please! If you have any questions, ask away!

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