Chapter 12: Friends

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"Lets put things behind us since we are working on the same side, Lets be friends Dunbar" Dax held his hand out as both boys was sweaty from finishing up their Lacross practice. "Okay, Friends it is" Liam grabbed his hand, shaking it while Dax gave him an small smile.


"So the hunters are planning an attack?" Dax asked as the group was surrounding an library table, talking about the information they just had gotten from Parrish and Peter. "Yes and we need a plan, They don't know that we know so if we can keep it that way, it'll be a better chance for us to get rid of them and finally relax. I know its been stressful for all of you to keep walking around with your guard up 24.7" Scott explained. Issiac put his hand on Scotts shoulder, nodding in agreement" We trust you so whatever it is you agree or come up with we'll follow" Stiles rolled his eyes, leaning back in his chair, tipping it and almost falling which made him get looks from Derek across the room. "Just remember, Nolan, Mason and I are human" Lydia laughed "I think we got this, even though Kira couldn't make it and Jackson & Ethan didn't want to return to beacon hills, we still have some good people here." Peter interrupted her which she gave him death glares for "We also have two Ex-hunters in this group." He looked over to Nolan and Chris.

"Alright so its clear they want the Nogitsune and that's what we will give them" Scott said which made the group jump from their chairs, especially stiles who yelled first "WHAT? are you crazy Scott!" Liam butted in as Stiles was going off into a panic mode. "But didn't you guys say that was an evil trickster who caused tons of chaos to beacon hills?" Chris sighed "It was the reason my daughter is dead"

"Enough!" Scott roared as he slammed his hands down on the table. "Let me finish, We aren't giving them the real jar" Everyone got quiet again as Scott kept going " we will have a decoy which means the rest of us will just have to talk about the person whos carrying the decoy. Hopefully they will go after that person and we can have a trap ready. Stopping this once and for all."

The plan was very risky honestly and Liam was sure everyone thought that too. He bit his lip, dazing off into his own mind while the rest of the group finished up the meeting, getting everything in order.

Liam couldn't stop thinking about everything Mason and Corey told him in the beginning and now he couldn't stop thinking about Lydias words, Deep down he knew how stupid hes been and how he finally thinks they might just be right but he just needed a push, a push that would help him finally accept the feelings for Theo he had was real. A push that would demonstrate that Theo was his Anchor.

"Alright so who wants to be the decoy? It's a risky position but we need someone for it" Liam was pulled out of his thoughts as Theo raised his hand "I'll do it, i know you guys don't trust me still, it's a perfect position for me to have Just in case they want to kill me on spot." The group was Frowning as Liam stood up from his chair, wanting to pled an no to the idea.

"Theo-" Scott started but stopped instantly as Liam had kicked the chair he was sitting in over "I think thats very stupid of you Reaken!" He practically yelled, gaining attention from the whole group, some confused and the rest knowing why he was acting out. "Stupid? The only one whos being stupid is you, acting out over something that needs to be done" Theo crossed his arms as Liam pressed his nails against the palm of his hands, grumbling out and leaving the clinic, Making sure the door slammed on his way out.

"Well.. that was intense" Mason whispered as Peter hummed out "Young love, its completely dangerous, My Nephew would know that. Wouldnt you?" he grinned as Derek ignored him. "What are you talking about old man?" Theo glared at him, trying to keep his heart under control, he knew Liam hated him there was no way that he was acting out because of "Love".

"I said-" Peter was pushed back my Malia while Scott sighed, running his hand over his face before finally speaking up again "Theo i asked for you to be here again because earlier today the pack took a vote. Even though you are part of Liams pack, we still greet you with open arms. You've done alot to hurt us.. but so has everyone else who claimed their spot in my pack. Everyone deserves a second chance and you defiantly deserve yours."

"But if you want to be the decoy then i'm sure everyone agrees but i dont want you to be taking this risky position if its just because you don't feel like you're part of this family" Theo was looking around at everyone who gave him an soft smile and Dax who gave him a thumbs up.

"Thank you and i do want this position still, I can do this, i might not heal as fast as you guys or do what an Alpha and his beta can do but i am strong, i'm confident in this" Everyone stood up and gave Theo an group hug which made him squirm. He felt a little uncomeatable from all the attention but at the same time it felt nice. Like he belonged for once.

"Alright, meeting is over. I'll see you guys tomorrow and Theo?" Scott turned to him "You should thank stiles when you get the chance, He was the reason we had that vote. Even though he kept threating you through out the whole thing" Scott laughed before leaving with everyone else.

Liam was sitting outside, cursing under his breath as he missed out on the whole thing, he couldn't believe how stupid Theo was being. "You ready to go home Grumpy wolf?" Theo walked past him, getting in his truck and waiting on Liam who finally walking over and climbed into the truck mumbling the lines "I'm not grumpy". Theo only smirked at him as they now was pulling out of the clinic and heading home for the night.

I think its finally time to give Liam and Theo the push they need to recognize their feelings for each other so next chapter will be a little bit of fluff and a reason to hate me lol just giving that warning so if you don't want to read it just skip it <3

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