Spider shifted uncomfortably, "Dude, this is where your dad and my dad ... fought."

"That's your dad's actual suit."

Spider stared at the piece of broken down machinery, "Holy shit."

Crescent looked over at him as he stared at the old battle suit, the name "Quaritch" plastered on the side. He looked a bit conflicted in the moment, like it was both awesome and a bit uncomfortable at the same time.

"Crap." she said, "duck down." They did as she said as a group of avatars stepped into the clearing wearing camo pants and carrying large guns. They looked menacing, their hair buzzed except for their braids and they had tattoos all across their arms. Wait, who took the time to tattoo their avatars?? They were talking about something but she couldn't really make it out.

One of them, a stern looking man knelt down next to the destroyed war suit, grimacing at the sight of the skeleton lying dead. Crescent looked over at Lo'ak, "Call it in Lo'ak. You have to tell your dad about this."

"No, we'll get in trouble." Spider countered.

She shot him a harsh look, "I'd rather the village be safe. Lo'ak call your dad."

Lo'ak sighed, nodding his head and pressing the button on his necklace. He explained to his father where they were and who was there. Lo'ak agreed to something his dad asked and promised him that they would pull back. Crescent let out a breath of relief as they slowly walked backwards.

Crescent grabbed Spider's arm, urging him and Lo'ak to come a little quicker. They weren't quick enough though, or they had made too much noise, she couldn't tell. All she knew was the sudden pain as someone grabbed her by the hair. She cried out in pain as a knife was pressed to her throat.

Well shit.

Spider and Lo'ak pulled out their weapons, hissing at the avatars that now, unfortunately, held her hostage. She struggled against them to no use, all that did for her was a fist full of her hair pulled backwards, her scalp throbbing in pain.

"Drop your weapons," the man who was holding her threatened, pressing his knife closer to her throat.

The two boys angrily threw their weapons to the ground and immediately they were grabbed by two of the other men. The knife was removed from her neck and she was shoved into someone else, them grabbing her by the hair again. Why did they feel the need to do that?

"What do we have here?" The leader of the group asked, "Two human teenagers and a Na'vi? You certainly are an odd group to find."

"Hey general," one of the other avatars called, "look at this kids fingers. We've got a half breed."

The man walked over to Lo'ak grabbing him by the braid. Crescent winced as he hissed, knowing it must have been painful, "Show me your fingers." He demanded.

Lo'ak lifted his hands, showing his middle finger. Crescent laughed, earning her a harsh tug by the hair. The man smirked, "You're his alright."

Crescent racked her brain, trying to figure out what to do. How to get them free. But she couldn't come up with anything. She, as a human, was practically useless against the avatars. She hated being helpless, it drove her crazy.

The leader pulled on Lo'ak's braid, "Why don't you tell me where Jake Sully is."

Lo'ak refused spitting in his face and hissing. The man asked again, yanking on Lo'ak's hair.

"Sorry," Lo'ak said in Na'vi, "I don't speak English, with assholes."

"Fine," he said, drawing his knife and turning towards Crescent.

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