Chapter 3: Nearly Dawn

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to let you out. Promise you'll be good?" she asked sweetly.

I nodded. I was beginning to feel very claustrophobic in that cage. 

Sarah unlocked the lock, and I jumped down and landed on my feet. "Thank you," I said.

"Remember," Sarah reminded me. "No telling Winnie I went in her box."

I quirked a brow. "What if she asks how I got out?" I asked.

Sarah stopped walking and flipped her head to look at me.
"Tell her I used magic." She winked and put the key back where she found it.

I began circling the cottage, examining all of the witch items. They were very interesting. I found one potion vile that looked like it was made of twisted glass. It was green, so I took it to be Winifred's. I reminded myself not to touch anything of hers.
Just then, out of nowhere, Sarah approached me and cupped my face in her hands.
Oh god. What was she about to do? My stomach turned as I prepared myself for whatever weird shit I was about to endure.
She didn't do anything to me though.
She just furrowed her brow and cocked her head with concern.

"How did thou get that blood on thy lip?"

I averted my eyes slightly and gently touched the part of my lip my mom punched earlier.

"My mom uh... hit me". I replied. I had no idea what else to say.
She kept staring at the wound for another moment while she processed my answer.

"Oh" she finally replied and let go of my face. She began rummaging in the cupboard next to me.
I stood awkwardly as Sarah continued to look for whatever it was she was after.
She stood on her tip-toes, shuffling items around.

"Hmmm" I heard her say quietly.

She continued to dig until she found it.
"There" she said happily before turning to me.
In her hand was a small circular tin. She unscrewed the top, revealing a pale yellow substance. She put some on the end of her finger, and dabbed it on my lip.

Whatever it was, it smelled disgusting, and it tasted worse than it smelled.
"Ugh! What is that?" I asked.

"It's a minor healing salve. It's made from white magic so Winnie must never find it". She warned.

She quickly capped it, and hid it in her palms. I could feel my lip tingle where she had applied the substance.
Sarah wasn't as half as dull as I thought her to be. Perhaps she only acted that way around her sisters. Truthfully, I think that she was the underdog of the family, the one who always got pushed aside, as I was. Perhaps I could become friends with her but I would have to do it when the other two weren't around.
Just then, Winifred's loud cackle filled the air. Sarah quickly put the salve away, and began to act lost. She dropped to her knees and began feeling around under things. As Winifred and Mary came in, she began acting even more lost. The thing was, she hadn't lost anything. So, I quickly snatched a potion bottle from the shelf, and I dropped to my knees. I rolled the bottle under the nearest table, where Sarah could find it. She looked at me strangely when she saw what I had done.

"I'll help you find it, Sarah," I said aloud.

"What's going on here?" hissed Winifred.

Sarah frowned. "Oh, Winnie, I dropped a potion bottle."

Someone grabbed a fist full of my hair, and yanked my head up. It was Winifred.
"And what are thou doing?" she asked, a mockery in her voice. "And who let you out?"

I said nothing. Sarah took it upon herself to answer.

"I let her out, Winnie. I used the lock spell you taught me. She said she'd help me find the bottle. Oh, Winnie, I'm sorry!" she cried helplessly.
Winifred released my hair, causing me to fall towards the floor. Luckily, I caught myself on my hands. She walked away snootily, and stood at the cauldron. Sarah winked at me and grabbed the bottle.

Hocus Pocus: Rising of a Little WitchWhere stories live. Discover now