Chapter 1: Here in the Garden

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"I'm gonna find youuuu!"
Pink grinned and opened her eyes. Some years after her 'incident', White had gifted her a new Spinel to play with in her flower garden. The Spinel couldn't possibly replace her Pearl, but they had lots of fun together nonetheless.

While they played, Pink's new Pearl watched her admiringly. This Pearl was more serious, but loved her diamond just as much as the previous one.

Pink started pacing around the garden, looking behind each tree, in each bush, and between each stone pillar. This game was one of her favourites. Hide and Seek. Of course, it was difficult for Pink to hide, so, day in and day out, she would run around the garden looking for the tiny Spinel.

The Spinel loved nothing more than playing, chatting and joking with Pink. She had wide and curious eyes, limbs like elastic and boundless energy. Of course, a gem like she was perfect for the playful Pink Diamond.

"Hmmm, I wonder where she could be..." Pink said. She stroked her chin and stumbled comically, then she lifted her arms above her head, and took the Spinel by the back of her neck.
"Aw man, you found me so quick!" whined the Spinel.

"Oke, let's play tag!" said Pink. "You're it!" Pink ran to the end of the garden and crouched beside a bush, waiting for the Spinel to catch up.
Spinel giggled and ran after her.

"Pink? Pink, listen to me."
It was Yellow's voice. Pink looked up and saw Blue and Yellow's faces on the hologram screen.
"Huh, Yellow, Blue? Is everything oke?"

"Pink, Yellow and I have made a decision. We think that you have been very well behaved of late, so we found a planet we think will suit you rather well." Blue's voice came.
"Yes, we call it Earth. We believe that you would do a fine job commanding this planet. We are proud of you, Pink." said Yellow.

Pink couldn't believe it. After so many years of feeling inadequate, she finally had her own colony, her own planet. The other diamonds were finally taking her seriously.

Spinel, having reached the end of the garden, tapped impatiently on Pink's arm.
"You're it, Pink Diamond! Come get me-"
"Shhh!" Pink hissed at her. "Be quiet, Spinel."
Looking confused, the Spinel obeyed, sat on the ground beside Pink and reached up to grab her hand.

Pink shot the Spinel a piercing glare and jerked her hand away. The Spinel felt hurt and walked down the garden towards the fountain.

After some minutes, the hologram disappeared and Pink walked over to the Spinel.
"Guess what Spinel? I got my own planet!" Pink smiled. The Spinel cheered and bounced in joy. She was so happy that her diamond finally got her wish, and she was so excited to play on this new planet! 

"Oke now, Spinel, for our next game, I want you first to stand very still, right here." Pink pointed beside the fountain, and Spinel ran over there, then looked expectantly back at her, grinning from ear to ear. 

"I'll be back before you know it!" Pink said, and she walked into the palace, accompanied by her Pearl. So the Spinel waited.

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