152 8 4

I lied about being gone for 5 months.

TW: Descriptions of violence and gunshots, ED, child neglect, brief mention of suicide, brief mention of pills, brief mention of needles, panic attacks,

Tommy's hands fidgeted in his lap as the woman in the lab coat examined him. Her eyes glistened as she asked Tommy to stand up to measure him. Even though he was young, he was still about the same height as Dr. Niki. The stadiometer buzzed as it read 5'4 and as Niki escorted  Tommy onto the scale. 92 pounds. Underweight. Severely underweight.

Niki scribbled something down as she motioned Tommy to sit back down onto the doctors bed. She was hard to read, and Tommy couldn't quite figure out what she was thinking. He glanced at Schlatt who was standing over by the door, smoking a thick cigarette. Tommy patented like he didn't see that.

It was eerily silent, besides the sound of Schlatt hacking and coughing, muffled by his hands covering his mouth and nose. Dr Niki hadn't said a word sense Tommy walked into her office. Niki was typing something into her computer when she finally broke the silence.

"It says right here you showed signs of Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder, or ARFID at a young age, is that correct?" She asked, scrolling through Tom's medical documents. They were very short documents.

"I'm not sure. I only have been to the doctors twice." He admitted. Before Tommy's parents had abandoned him, he had been to the doctors once at 12 weeks old for a check up and once more at 3 or 4 years old due to him avoiding food. It was normal for kids to be picky eaters as infants, but Tommy wouldn't eat anything he was presented with. He would avoid food and drink a lot of water and end up passing out and throwing up a bunch, and if he were to eat anything, it would be something like paper or dirt or so,etching that wasn't supposed to be consumed.

After his parents abandoned him, Wilbur didn't take him to the doctors. Or the dentist. Or the hairdressers. Tommy would get sick and have to toughen up. His teeth would rot and fall out of his mouth. His hair was matted and grimy, with knots and tangles and dirt embedded in it. One time, Tommy contracted lice, and he was kicked out of the building the cartel was staying at  until he could "get rid of it by himself." 

But Tommy wasn't upset. He didn't get upset. That was just how he lived. It was normal. It was his life.

"Tommy, is it?" Nikki asked, looking up from her glaring computer screen.

Tom nodded as he looked at her. She was quite pretty. Her half and half hair fell to just above her shoulders. It reminded Tommy of Ranboo. Her eyes were a bluish grayish color. It reminded Tommy of the color of the walls of his bedroom in the cartel. Sleepless nights in that room, unable to go to bed because of the sounds of screaming and gunshots. She had a dark piercing on her nose, and a muted red lipstick on as she smiled at Tommy.

"You won't remeber me," she said as she leaned back slightly on her swivel chair. "but I was there when the cops got you."

Tommy visibly twitched as he remembered the fbi busting through the windows and doors as the rest of the cartel screamed like a war cry as they tried to flee. It reminded Tommy of a banshee. A predictor of death. It was quite ironic. Tommy thought he was dying as giant guard dogs chomped down on his leg as he let out a gut churning scream of terror.

"I cared for your bite wounds, but you definitely won't remeber that, considering you were passed out." Niki spoke.

It was supposed to be in a joking manor, which Tommy originally would've appreciated, but the adrenaline of going to jail wore off and Tommy just felt scared now. Pathetic. Niki sighed at Tommy's blank reaction.

She stood up and grabbed a pen off of her desk and on a back of a receipt scribbled something down. Then she approached Schlatt and told Tommy that she'd be back in five minutes, and to sit tight as the door closed behind her and Schlatt.

The only sound that filled the room was the sound of the bright blinding lights buzzing and the sound of Tommy's breathing. He knows he shouldn't do this. He will get in so much trouble. Curiosty killed the cat. As much as Tommy tried to say he was big a strong, he wasn't and he let his thoughts get the best of him.

He stood up on shaky, battered and bruised legs and walked over to Nikis computer. He wasn't sure what he was looking for, but he needed answers. Tom started rummaging through Nikis things. He looked through drawers and cabinets, but to no avail. There was practically nothing besides a bunch of random peoples medical documents everywhere.

But then it hit him. He sat down on the swivel chair as he typed in his older brothers name into the search bar. It was surprisingly easy to find information about Wilbur. There was little to no security on the computer.

Tommy's face scrunched up as he scrolled through a long list of medical records. He was admitted into the mental hospital 3 or 4 times when he was younger, but was dismissed immediately after. What made it more suspicious was the number of accounts of Will trying to off himself on multiple occasions.

Tommy exited out of Wilbur's page as Tommy's popped back up onto the screen as he sat back onto the doctors bed, thinking about what he just saw. The door opened as the hinges screeched. This time just Schlatt entered, with Niki completely out of sight.

"Let's go." He spoke as he gestured for Tommy to come with him. Schlatt walked out in front of him as Tommy followed not to far behind him. Schlatts fake intimidating persona was quite evident as they walked into a different room further down in the hallway. This room, somehow the lights were brighter and buzzed loved than the other room. 

Dr Niki wasn't there this time though. Instead there was another doctor, who was masked and was hard to figure out who it was. Suddenly everything seemed like it was speeding up. The next thing Tommy new he was changed into a hospital gown and the doctor was practically shoving eight different pills down his throat. Needles poked and prodded at his skin as his breath quickened.

Tommy started hyperventilating as everything around him went black and it was quiet again. Except for the sound of the bright lights buzzing.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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