Wednesday 2 ( part 4 )

Start from the beginning

I picked up my favorite knife too and Ammos, Time to go. I called Father and mother first to tell what Aaron is doing.


I hung up and went to my Mercedes-benz and drove to the location.

It was an abandoned building, I went inside and men with black suits attacked me with guns. Luckily I moved to a pillar quickly. I picked up my VFC and shooted them.

As I went closer and closer I heard a moan and a very familiar voice saying my brother's name. Fuck, Jenna?

I quickly ran to that spot and there I saw Aaron and Jenna... Everything froze.. And all I see is Jenna naked...And Aaron too.. Thrusting Moaning, Groaning... He's head leaned back and Jenna..Jenna was... Fuck I can't even.. I can't even explain what I see.. She wants to back away from Aaron. Some parts of me is saying.

" She's enjoying it "

" She's not enjoying it! You can clearly see her wanting to push Aaron away! Don't be stupid Y/n and Approach them before Aaron cum inside her! "

" Ugh~ fuck, fuck~ I'm coming, looks like Y/n doesn't want you any— " I cut him off.

" AARON " I was breathing heavily tears threatening to fall down, It is not the right time to cry now Y/n.

He looked at me and smirked, Luckily he pulled away and picked up his pants. I can't bare to look at Jenna, not right now.

" There you are Y/n I thought you'll never come, look! She looks beautiful right? " He said with that cocky smirk.

" Oh look at her? You can't? HAHAHA I just did what I said Y/n. "

" Fuck you Aaron " I gritted my teeth as he touched Jenna's body.

" I challenge you Y/n, to fence with me. I know Dad taught you well. But that was a long time ago let's see if you can handle me. If you win I'll give you Jenna but if I win I will take Jenna and we'll fly to France, isn't that fun baby? " My blood is boiling, I took of my   bullet proof everything, leaving me in my clothes.

" Fine. "

He chuckled and never leave that cocky smirk off of his face. This bitch.

He signaled his men to take Jenna far away. But not leaving his sight.

He gave me the sword but no armors.

" We have 3 rounds "

( Idk things about fencing. Video above )

I created a wound on his cheek, I smirked as I saw his blood.

He swung his sword and it created a wound on my forehead.

" Aww look at you, 2 rounds is hard enough? "

" Don't celebrate too early, we have 1 more round left. " This time I attacked him first, I remembered the things that father taught me. Aim to the neck.

" ARGH! FUCK " I looked at him seeing him all bloody his clothes ruined made me happy.  As his men was about to attack me a familiar voice echoed the room

" AARON CYRUS FERRO " Dad call out. You know you're in trouble when they call your full name.

" Y/N! I told you to not kill him right?! "

" Relax, mother he's not dead " I rolled my eyes. He's so fucked up.

They arrested his men and father looked at me apologetically.

His eyes drifted to Jenna he gasp.

" what happened to this young lady?! " Mother walked to Jenna and checked if she's still breathing.

" He forced her to have sex with him " I told them as the picture of them naked came in my mind.

" Bring her to the hospital, and you too Y/n. " I followed them and went to the hospital. I still can't get off the memory of Jenna and Aaron naked together, I swear I'll cut his little dick off. Just you wait. " Are you planning something Y/n? " Said mother. I shook my head " Why mother? " " You're smirking like you're planning something Averil " My last name. I rolled my eyes. A few hours later. All my wounds are patched up I don't have that many, I just have 4 of them.

It's now 12AM they sent Jenna home, I stayed with her until she fell asleep but I did not talk to her. I went to the hospital and sneakily went to Aaron's room. There he is. On the hospital bed, I wonder why he's there? I didn't kill him though. I removed his blanket and picked up my scissors.


" AAAAHHHHRRGGG! " The most beautiful sound ever.

I went home and saw Jenna in the living room watching TV. " Why are you still awake? " She turned her head to me, her eyes were puffy and her nose was red.

I approached her and sit beside her " I'm sorry " She sobbed, I opened my arms and she immediately hugged me. " I'm sorry Y/n "   " What are you apologizing for? "    I rubbed her back soothingly. " Because I—I didn't lis—listen to you " I sighed and kissed her head.

" Shh, it's okay. It's not your fault "  12 minutes later her sobbing  slowed down  " Let's sleep now hm? " She nodded I carried her in a bridal style.

" I love you Mon amour "

" I love you too Cara mia "

Why do I feel like this  sucks? This is a draft by the way.

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