Chapter 10:Talking with the past

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The next day came around and Dinah was dreading it with Ruby and Yang noticing early whilst Weiss and Blake are just getting up.

Yang:hey don't worry about it Dinah everything will be alright

Dinah:you're not meeting your abusive parents

Yang:well I've never met my mother

Ruby:don't worry me and Yang will be there for you if anything goes wrong

Blake:unfortunately you're not coming which I think would have made you Dinah a lot calmer

Dinah:it would have but I need to get over this and we need to get over this as a family or things will just keep going and getting worse

Blake:I agree

Weiss:Oh Dinah I've done what you asked me to do


The rest of the team look at Dinah silently asking the question what she asked.

Yang:so Weiss what did the little canary ask.

Weiss:I'm not going to say it's Dinah's choice if she wants to reveal it

Dinah:don't bother asking because you won't get an answer

Ruby then looks down wondering what it is as Yang nods her head in understanding

Blake:well you better get ready mom and dad will be here to pick us soon

Dinah:You mean Kali and Ghira not mom and dad they were never my parents

Blake:well yes but ok your biological mother and father are here better


Yang: the canary had talons

Dinah/Blake:not the time Yang

Dinah:is it going to be casual or fancy

Blake:It's casual so wear anything that's comfy

Dinah then goes and gets changed into something casual being

Dinah then goes and gets changed into something casual being

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Yang:Looking good Dinah

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Yang:Looking good Dinah

Dinah:Feeling good Yang

Dinah and Yang share a smile before Dinah turns to Blake and gained a more hardened expression not as hard as the one when Dinah see's her parents but a hard stare that makes Blake remember everything she's done to Dinah making her squirm a bit in which Dinah then relents it after doing it.Whilst talking in the dorm for a bit with the rest of the team Dinah then hears a knock on the door as Yang opens it happy till she sees who it is then gains a hardened expression in which everyone inside takes note of.

Yang:there here so Blake, Dinah go and talk with them over a meal or something

Dinah and Blake then exit the room whilst Yang calls back Kali and Ghira thinking Dinah was out of earshot before speaking forgetting Dinah's Faunas abilities.

Yang:If either of you hurt her again I will make sure you pay dearly not as bad as the Schnee's mines "Weiss:hey!"but pretty close understand

Kali:yes we broke her and you fixed her she sees you as an older sister am I correct

Yang:yes and as a big sister to two it's my job to protect them regardless of who is threatening them

Ghira:and we thank you for that and I'm telling you we will make it up to you

Kali:saying we don't know much about Blake anymore is true but we know even less about Dinah could you suggest a place where they would like to go for lunch

Ruby then goes to the door and start talking

Ruby:well Dinah likes fish so a place with fish would be good if you want to start but be warned if you hurt her I will slash you both with my scythe

Kali/Ghira:don't worry we've been told already

They then headed out of Beacon whilst talking a bit

Kali:so how you've been since you both left

Blake:well I eventually found out what you were saying about the White Fang and I'm ashamed of our argument but I'm glad that Dinah got out

Dinah:Thank you and whilst I've been away I've actually been happy and been able to be my own person without you and I've been able to grow and start to get over what all of you did to me

After that they held there head down knowing about what they did will always leave a mark on their relationship they then get to the restaurant that they would be eating in

After that they held there head down knowing about what they did will always leave a mark on their relationship they then get to the restaurant that they would be eating in

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Kali:well we're here

Dinah:how did you know I like this place here

Kali:well we did ask your sisters what you would like that and since Blake is well was addicted to fish it made sense after being told that you like fish

Blake:Well that's one way

Ghira: Tthat and you are twins

Both Dinah and Blake were shocked at that statement Dinah was shocked because they never had said or done anything different for a day and Dinah didn't know when a day passed there and Blake since she was always told that thing in the basement doesn't have a birthday and should be destroyed when given the chance she was told this for five years after Dinah was put into the basement

Kali: Well let's eat

You all got something to eat and were eating together whilst talking with Dinah with the conversation going up and down causing a bit of tension with everyone there.It was hard to talk to Dinah since they haven't bothered to talk to Dinah for years and it hurt them looking at her whilst remembering what they did.There was some tension with Blake once the White Fang whilst Dinah remained unaware about what they did for the White Fang.After a while the overall day was good whilst Dinah still made her way back to her dorm with a small smile and hope, hope to help them fix their mistakes because even god knows that they need all the help and hope they can get.

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