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After spending her first night in Beacon and Yang still sends a couple of dirty looks at Blake.

Dinah:Yang you should stop that you know she was the first one of them to realize what she was doing and I don't blame her I blame my "mother" and "father" since they not only did it but were hypocrites

Yang:well ok I'll try and be more friendly but if I'm on a team with her I'm asking a question that's on my mind

Dinah:do I want to know

Yang:Nope and we should wake Ruby up and get ready


After Dinah and Yang wake up Ruby which was hard they then got ready to go to their lockers.

Yang:you seem awfully chipper this morning

Dinah:yeah you're normally like this when milk is involved

Ruby:Well yeah and HEY!Today the awkward small talks are over today we just let our baby's do the talking

She takes out crescent rose and hugs it as Dinah and Yang sweat drop.

She takes out crescent rose and hugs it as Dinah and Yang sweat drop

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Dinah:Hatsume syndrome

Dinah whispers that to Yang and she nods in understanding as Ruby is confused about what Dinah was talking about.Blake is in the background putting noise canceling things into her cat ears to protect the in case

Ruby:well today is about proving that I'm meant to be here

Dinah:you got it

Yang:but what about teams

Ruby:well couldn't I just be on your's or Dinah's team

Yang brings her hair around and starts stroking it as Dinah slides her fingers through her own hair.

Yang:well maybe it would be good to be in a team by yourself to get you out of your shell that also applies to you Dinah

Dinah's once confident face drops into one of horror about what she just got herself into about going to Beacon and she takes out some sound grenades with recordings of her scream at grim killing level.

Dinah's once confident face drops into one of horror about what she just got herself into about going to Beacon and she takes out some sound grenades with recordings of her scream at grim killing level

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