Ne ke ka ce wa haka I will shoot you back to where you came from wallahi if you are not careful Allah he playfully glared at her

I dare you I said glaring at him playfully

Oh my Allah oh my Allah, daga dawowa har an pa  ra pada mama said

Ita ya fara
Shi ya fara
We  said in usion

Keep quiet she sid

Sorry mamana i missed you so so so much

Come here I missed you too she said

Where is baba ?I asked

Ohh he travelled to South Africa for a conference
He will be back tomorrow

Okay let me go and pray isha and rest

Okay by.... by the way where is that clown from  the circus I said referring to hanif

Ohh that one he left saying he is going to them zayn house to sleepover hanifa said
(Zayn is our cousin from our mom

Okayy the idiot ran away

What did he do? Mama asked

He sent David to motor park to collect something for him when I asked him why he didn't send their own driver he said that he is on leave

That person I call my twin is A BIG FAT LAIR  emeka(the name of their driver) is not sicko he is the him that took him to them zayn house

Tsk tsk hanif you don't know what is have planned for you i said

Hmm me please do not kill or injure my son. Mama said

Ohh okay maama even if she injures   him ,is he your only son umar said 

No he is not I have aliyu, referring to umar's best friend

Kam butaan shayi ( I honestly don't know how to translate this) umar said standing up

I will be back ,he went upstairs send came back down Few seconds later with his two phones one is a 13 pro max , and a Samsung z filp black
And started to type somthing on the iPhone

Ahh bros we don buy new phone, I asked when I saw him with the phone, before he had a 12 pro max and a 11 pro max black to be persis

He ingored me and walked to his sitting position

Can  please somebody answer me

Yass he did he give me the 12 and sold the 11 and bought hanif a 12 pro white hanifa said

Thank you my dear sister I said

What are you doing umar I asked

Have you ever gotten your mouth stapled before
I shaked my head left and right  then if you do not shut up I will do it for you,better stand up and go and rest he spatt while glaring at me playfully

Okay bye make you do not do anything stupid I said while jogging up the stairs 

I woke up around 12 noon  i went back to sleep after praying my morning pray

I took a shower and went to my wak in closet to choose an outfit to where i will be going out with umar

After years of searching I found a  light blue crazy jeans with a black baby tees ,black leather jacket a black shoulder bag and a black all star converse

I quickly wore it and went down stairs for my  breakfast i quickily eat and went out and telling maama of course hanifa isn't up yet so I left

We went out and I didn't see umar outside so I called said that he is almost ready and I should pick a  car

I called the head of driver and asked Him to bring the tesla and a hilux for the escort he said that sir , my dad said nobody should touch the four cars till he is back from the trip then I told Him to bring the bmw 7  series  and a hilux

He brought it and the car warmed up then  umar came up and the the conversation started

Ina kwana umar

Lafiya iman

You are late

See who is talking he said

Whatever I said

We arrived at Krispy Kremes in askoro

We walked in the shop to see many people

Why are they so much people I asked
Because it is a new place but do not worry I know the owner's son let me phone him up

He step out to call him I found a sit at the corner  of the shop And sat down

A while later I heard someone calling my name as I turned I saw armaghan and her two friend alara and cyra , she is my cousin from my popsy side I hate her so much she like comparing her to me ,even her mom hates my mom I will never understand my dad's side of the family

Hey armaghan I said With a fake smile

Hi iman how are you she asked with her British accent trust me is it real

When did you  come back she said

Yesterday night

That nice I hope no sugar daddies

What!!! I said shocked

Well everyone know like to follow me.....she was cut off with a sharp slap on both cheeks

I know you think is me that slapped her while it is not

It is..........

🫒heys guyys who slap armaghan

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Komal ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️

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