"We need to tell mum and dad this when they wake up. You are brilliant, Hermione. Truly." Harry says looking up at Hermione gratefully.

"Actually, I'm highly logical which allows me to look past unneeded detail. And perceive clearly that which was overlook." Without looking up from the book that was in front of him, Harry responds with a, 'Yeah'.

"And there's only one problem-" Harry is interrupted when the light of the lamp is drawn out. The ones who were awake, turn to see where the light drifted off to. They become quiet, waiting for any foreign sound. All that was heard was the sound of the rain crackling outside.

Suddenly, Ron appears from the shadow, walking towards them.

"The sword was stolen." He simply says before flipping his deluminator to return the light.

"Yeah, I'm still here. But you two carry on, don't let me spoil the fun."

Peter couldn't help but furrow his eyebrows at the aggravated tone that Ron's voice held when he spoke that. Harry closed the book on the table and turned to Ron.

"What's wrong?"

"Wrong? Nothing's wrong, according to you, anyway."

Harry frowned at the response. "Well, if you've got something to say then don't be shy. Spit it out."

"Alright I'll spit it out. But don't expect me to be grateful just because that was another damn thing we've got to find."

Remus looked down and Ron's fists and noticed how his knuckles were white from clenching them so tightly. He peers at Sirius, who is just as confused at Ron's behavior as him.

"I thought you'd knew what you signed up for." Harry exclaimed.

"Yeah, I thought I did too." Ron broke eye contact with Harry, scowling at the ground until the boy spoke up again.

Harry marched over to Ron, standing opposite to him now. "Well, I'm sorry, I don't quite understand. What part of this isn't living up to your expectations?!? Did you think we were going to be staying near a five star hotel—finding a horcrux every other day. You thought you'd be at Mummy's by Christmas?" The others also began to inch closer to the scene.

"I just thought after all this time, we would've actually achieved something. I thought you knew what you were doing! I thought Dumbledore would've told you something worth while!"

"I told you everything Dumbledore told me! And in case you haven't noticed we have found a horcrux already-" Harry began to reason.

"Yeah and we're as close to getting rid of it as we were to finding the others, aren't we?" Ron's voice shook from anger. Hermione stepped in front of Ron and placed a hand on hid shoulder. "Ron, plea-" she started until she was sharply cut off by the same hands of the boy who she was talking to, getting her hands shoved off.

Remus and Sirius jumped in as well when they noticed that Ron wasn't budging a bit.

"Ron, just take of the necklace, you wouldn't be saying this if you hadn't been wearing it all day-"

"Mate "

"Do you know why I listen to that radio every night? To make sure I don't hear Ginny's name. Or Fred, or George, or mum-"

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕱𝖆𝖙𝖊Where stories live. Discover now