Dark Lord

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Bellatrix and Greyback appear back at Malfoy Manor, where a furious Narcissa was waiting to greet them. She had her wand in her bun that she'd just made. Her face tired and wrinkles more apparent from all of the stress the woman is going through.

"Where. Have. You. Been?!?" Narcissa shrieked to her sister, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her to an quite and empty corridor.

"Oh, just decided to give the Weasley's a little visit for Christmas." Bella replied with a smirk on her face.

"Why? This was nothing to do with the Dark Lord's orders. So, I don't see any reason of why you did this."

"For fun, you should try it some time, Cissy. Although I did discover some peculiar information while I was at the blood traitors' little shack." Bellatrix mused.

Narcissa looked at her sister questioningly, and warily asked her, "What kind of information?"

"If my eyes didn't deceive me, I'd just seen little miss Lily Potter fighting with her dear old son. And she didn't even look as old she should've, looked 'bout seventeen years old." Bella mused.

"What? How's that even possible..."

"Wait, 'til the dark lord hears about this." Bellatrix says giddily whilst jumping up and down like a little girl and clapping her hands. Her younger sister just sighed as she realized there wasn't anything she could do to change her older sister's decision to tell him.

The train ride back to Hogwarts was quiet. Everyone was processing what had occurred at the Burrow.

To the group, this has been a major reality check. A call that woke them up to realize that not everything, in fact, nothing is alright at the moment.

"Harry?" Lily called, breaking the silence. To which the boy hummed to in response.

"I... I know this is a bit of a dumb question, but. When did Voldemort actually come back? Because on the Daily Prophet, it says that Voldemort came back June go 1996. But, I just can't help but not trust the Ministry's words."

"Well, do you want to know how Voldemort came back, or when?" Harry asked.

James blurted out a response the same time Lily gave her's.


Harry turned back to look out the window as he spoke, "It happened during the last task of the Triwizard Tournament, during our fourth year. The Triwizard cup was a port key, so when I touched it, I was transported to a graveyard."

He looked down, taking in a breath and said the next part. "Another boy was with me too. His name was Cedric. Cedric Diggory, hufflepuff. We both found the cup at the same time and chose to get it at the same time..."

Remus furrowed his eyebrows in confusions "How were there two Hogwarts champions for the tournament? If you look at the past ones, there was always only one competitor from each school." He stated.

Hermione spoke up and answered for Harry, "Somebody messed with the goblet of fire. We found out a death eater in disguise had done it."

Peter let out a soft sigh of disbelief. "You could write books for every one of your years at Hogwarts. How can so much happen in such little time?" He asked rhetorically.

"When we reached the graveyard, I realized something was wrong. I- I tried telling Cedric to leave, but I was too late. Eh- A death eater killed him before he got the chance to escape. And then they performed some ceremony that brought back Voldemort." Harry finished quickly, keeping things brief.

Lily nodded, wanting to ask more questions but noticed that the boy was clearly not enjoying speaking of this topic.


"My lord." Bellatrix bowed her head in respect as she sat down on the long, dark, wooden table.

Voldemort looked at Bellatrix. His skin so pale, he didn't look alive, snake like features embellishing his face. 

"Bellatrix. I was told that my presence was requested. May I ask why?"

"Oh- yes. Well, you see I was visiting the Weasel's burrow, to stir up a bit of trouble, and I saw a peculiar sight."

"Get. To. The. Point." Voldemort interrupted the lady, raising his non-existent eyebrows in expectance.

"I saw teenager, Lily Potter." Bella blurted, not wanting to receive any punishment. It was clear that the Dark Lords patience was thin today.

Voldemort stared at Bellatrix blankly for a while. He slowly asked her, "How are you so sure that it wasn't another one of those blood traitors?"

"I just... know." Bellatrix said.

She felt a weird sensation in her head, as if something was searching her mind, invading every one of her memories that she had.

Tingles ran through her body once the feeling ended. Her eyes widened maniacally and she looked back at the dark lord. She found him grinning widely.

"I see."

School's already started for me, so I won't be able to post as often. But I'll try my best to post as often as possible!

We're getting closer to the end of year 6...

What'd we think of this chapter??

Please point out any mistakes you find in this story, so I can correct them.


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