Valentine's Day Special!

Start from the beginning

Leaving behind your warm blankets, the coldness of the room urges you to get dressed. You shiver as you pull on the cold knobs of your dresser. "What to wear, what to wear," you contemplate as your hands sift through the drawers. "Maybe... something like this?"

Holding up your favorite sweater, you slip it on over a thin shirt. A skirt and tights accompany it, along with a pair of sneakers. Turning around in the mirror, you fix your hair and fiddle with wrinkles, trying to look presentable.

"That'll do it! And with the time it'll take to wash my face and brush my teeth, I'll be right on time!"

Walking out of your bedroom swiftly, you grab your wallet, turn off the lights, and close the door. You turn down the hall and into the women's bathroom, not noticing the boy knocking on your door just as you'd started washing up.

"...Maybe they're still asleep?" he mumbles after awaiting a response, circling back to his bedroom to set down the gifts in his arms.

• • •

"Hey!" you greet excitably, walking over to Maki and Kugisaki. "Hey! Are you ready to walk over there? It's pretty close, and the weather's gotten a little warmer, too, so it should be doable," your underclassman suggests as she swings her bag over her shoulder. "I'm fine with it. I haven't gotten out in awhile so it's a nice opportunity," Maki states. "Then let's go!"

Sauntering down the sidewalk, you occasionally step on wet petals separated from their branches. Bustling couples walk past the three of you enamoured in each other, some even with matching outfits. 'That makes sense, it is Valentine's Day after all.'

"So, none of us got dates, then?" Kugisaki suddenly inquires. An immediate, "Nope," from Maki, a cheerful, "Me neither!" from Kugisaki, but your mind bounces around for a second before answering. "Ah... same here," you chuckle. You silently go back to trodding down the sidewalk, not noticing the pause in their conversation.

Maki looks at you curiously before a smirk sneaks onto her face. "What's this? You seem a little down-- got someone on your mind?" she teases with a quick ruffle of your hair. Your eyes shoot wide at the sudden accusation. "What? Of course not!" You plead innocent, but the growing blush on your face says otherwise.

"Someone here, or a childhood friend? Fill us in!" Kugisaki eagerly pokes at you, hungry for details. "It's no one, I swear! I'm just a little sleepy," you begin spinning a lie to prove your case. "I woke up an hour earlier than usual because of a loud crashing in a room near mine. I was so startled after that that I just couldn't fall back asleep." 'Thankfully, that came out pretty naturally, since it's not entirely a lie. But why does the thought of getting asked out make my heart flutter so much?'

"Hm, I did hear a loud noise pretty early, but I fell back asleep right after," Maki says, still a little suspicious. "Aw, that's no fun," Kugisaki shrugs. "But, maybe some crepes will wake you up!"

You look up to see a cute sign with the name of the cafe on it. By the looks of the decorations, you assume their speciality is crepes. More specifically, "...candy crepes?" you question. "Well, not really candy. They take popular sweets and turn them into crepes!" Kugisaki clarifies. Your eyes widen at the thought.

'Dango crepes, castella crepes, taiyaki crepes...' You practically drool at the possibilities. Unfortunately for your stomach, though, the line seemed a little lengthy. "So, we're having crepes for lunch, then?" Maki sighs after seeing how slow things seemed to be moving. Kugisaki shoots her a smirk and walks up to a window on the front of the cafe. After chatting with the receptionist for a bit, she gestures you to follow her inside.

𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 [𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢]Where stories live. Discover now