• Chapter 16 •

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I went to you first, didn't I?

The next day was unbearably dull in comparison to your conversations prior to your rest.

After the two of you had finished your food, your eyes dared to close for a smidge too long each time you shut your eyes. Apparently he caught on, and bid you goodnight before taking the boxes and leaving.

But your dreams from last night still were printed clearly into the back of your mind-- threatening to break you open if you dwelled on them for too long. It seems as if your subconscious knows you better than your conscious, and the decisions it made worried you for the choices you may make while awake. Such is the nature of dreams, you suppose.

But even with those fantasies you dare not imagine on purpose, your heart still felt pricks of impatience and longing whenever he went away, whether you wished for it or not.

He'd stopped visiting after your informal dinner together, and Maki was instead sent as the errand girl for regularly scheduled medication, food, and rough check-ups. There were light conversation made during these meet-ups, but she could tell something was on your mind and decided to leave deeper conversations for a time you felt more comfortable. You should've known-- a best friend can always see through facades, no matter how hard you try to conceal.

Throughout the silent Saturday noon, you scroll through various media to distract you from boredom. With each tap you can feel emotion draining to the back of your brain: just one of the reasons you disliked scrolling for so long. Your body is still moderately sore and fatigued, so even something as simple as reading a book seems like a mountain of focus is required.

Small peeps of wind flowed through the miniscule gaps in the window and sent shivers down your spine. You'd forgotten to ask for blankets the night before, and it'd felt like your body heat was being sucked by the empty room all hours of the night. You shake off your goosebumps and continue mindlessly eyeing videos.

A muffled knock is heard through the thin wood of the room, so you set your phone down and invite them in. You're met with a comedic-looking Inumaki huddling mountains of painting materials in his arms, struggling not to crash onto the floor as he sets them down.

"I brought everything we'll need, I think." You stare at the messy pile of acrilic paint bottles, half-clean brushes, small canvases, and empty containers. There's certainly a lot. "Where... did you get all of this?" you ask with a bewildered smile on your face. "I went to the store earlier today, and Maki-san gave me some brushes just before I left." You let out a small laugh, looking back to the clueless boy. "I already had everything, but I appreciate the effort. Now we have extras, I guess!"

He nods and sits on the floor to start sorting out the materials. "Shouldn't we go outside first?" you suggest, noticing he's starting to set up designated areas. "Wouldn't it hurt to walk?" he asks worriedly. You tap your rib gently and take a breath to test the pain. Truthfully, it felt like a thousand needles stabbing your chest at once, but just sitting outside should be alright.

"I'll probably be fine, but I do need a change of clothes. It's gotten a lot colder lately." "Then let's go, and you can pick out your clothes on the way." You agree with him and steadily shift your legs towards the edge of your bed. The sheets twist annoyingly under your body, so the process is clunkier than you would've liked. You lift your body up carefully, and inhale sharply at the freezing floor beneath your feet. It was cold without the sheet hugging you, but you managed to successfully get out of bed.

𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 [𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢]Where stories live. Discover now