• Chapter 2 •

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I like listening to music too

Trying to ignore the embarrassing incident, you go back to sorting out your belongings. On the bed in the corner of the room, you put a multitude of folded blankets on it. For some reason you're always cold when you sleep. There was also a dresser opposite of the bed, and you start filling it up with your clothing. Organizing the clothes into their designated drawers, you realize there isn't a closet in the room. You push the pants in the currently opened drawer to the side and start putting folded shirts in it. In the one above, you put sweaters and hoodies.

Starting to feel more comfortable in your new home, you place your few figures on the top of the dresser, organized by anime. You never realized how organized you were until now. Beside the dresser, you place your full-sized mirror on the floor. You take a quick second to look in it, and fix your hair accordingly. 'Now for the books,' you think to yourself. Next to your bed there was a surprisingly large box, filled to the brim with comics, manga, and novels. You're glad you decided to bring shelves with you, and you start planning where you're going to put them.

As you prepare yourself to put shelves up, you realize you didn't bring any tools with you. Opening your door, you decide to visit Maki-san's room to ask her. As you're leaving, Gojo-sensei enters. "Hey, y/n! Since you're new here, we're going to do a little introduction in the field! Follow me, I'll show you were it is." 'Well that was sudden,' you think to yourself. You nod and follow him, his pace surprisingly quick. Keeping up pretty well, he leads you outside. Before you know it you're sitting down in a large field surrounded by a track. Soon, the second-years and who you presume to be the first-years join you in a circle. The second-years were on one side, and the first-years on the other. Gojo sat down in the middle, legs crossed.

You look around the circle, taking in everyone's appearances. While you're doing so, you accidently lock eyes with the person next to you: Inumaki. Quickly looking away, you go back to looking at the first-years. They're surprisingly intimidating. "Thank you all for agreeing to come here. Not that you had a choice," the man says. "What we'll be doing is saying our name, grade, and hobby." 'So like icebreakers,' you think to yourself. This situation is slightly childish though.

"Alright, I'll start so you guys can get an idea." He seemed oddly excited about this.

"My name is Satoru Gojo, special grade, and I like to eat sweets." That explains the childish behavior. Looking over at some of the other students, you can see they're cringing. This must be a frequent thing, then. He then points at a first-year with short brown hair. She discreetly rolls her eyes.

"My name is Kugisaki Nobara, grade three, and I like to go shopping."

"My name is Yuji Itadori, grade.... actually I don't think I have one. My hobby is collecting Jennifer Lawrence posters." Well that was an odd one.

This cycle continues until you and Inumaki are the last people left. I guess he was leaving you for last.

"My name is Toge Inumaki, semi-grade one, and my hobby is listening to music." 'Holy fuck, semi-grade one? That's insane!' Everyone looks at him, a little confused. You forgot they can't understand him, so you translate. "My name is Toge Inumaki, semi-grade one, and my hobby is listening to music." The students stare at you surprised, Gojo included. You hear a few murmurs among the first-years. "They can understand him too? So they must be from your clan, Megumi!" "You idiot!" Kugisaki says under her breath. She shoulders Yuuji in the side, making him lean over in pain.

"And now for you."

"My name is L/n F/n, grade 2, and my hobby is also listening to music." Surprisingly, you weren't lying about this. You listen to music everyday, sometimes for hours at a time. It was comforting to you. Kugisaki looks at the two of you in a devilish way, and you can already tell what she's thinking. Gojo starts concluding the icebreaker session, but you don't hear. Inumaki leans over to your ear and whispers, "What's your favorite band?" softly while everyone is concentrated on Gojo.

You can feel your face getting warmer. As his collar brushes against your ear briefly, you realize just how close he is to you. This sends butterflies flying into your stomach. He doesn't move from your ear, so you don't turn to face him when you respond to avoid an awkward moment. "E ve, have you heard of them?" "Yeah, they're one of my favorites too," he responds, still next to your ear. You can hear the smile in his voice, and it almost makes you think he's taunting you. You like how it makes you feel though; maybe you're just a little twisted. Feeling the fabric of his shirt brush against you one last time, he sits back up as the meeting concludes.

Standing up at the same time, you glance at him. Even through the tall collar, you can see the redness of his face. He pulls it up, also aware. The two of you walk back to the campus in silence, and you assume the same thoughts that are going through your head are going through his.

After what seemed like an eternity, you finally make it back to the building. You walk alongside each other, distanced just enough so that there wouldn't be any accidental touches. After you turn in the hall, you start walking into your room, but something makes you stop. He walks closer to you, briefly touches your hand with his, and closes to door to his room swiftly. That brief touch was enough to send your heart skipping. You can feel your hand tingling from the gentle brush, and it makes you feel even more flustered.

Closing the door to your mostly furnished room, you lie on your bed, put in your earbuds, and start listening to Heart Forecast by E ve. You think it's fitting, and it reminds you of him, which makes it even better. Hand still tingling, you close your eyes and leave yourself alone with your thoughts, imagining all the things that could happen in the future.

𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 [𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢]Where stories live. Discover now