• Chapter 12 •

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Flame Technique: Hellfire.❞

-- Trigger Warnings: Violence, Blood, Knives, Fire --
(Proceed with caution, please! <3)

"Alright, now to finish this thing off," you cough out. Everything was still relatively sore from the tight grip, including your throat that had almost completely shut closed from anxiety. Tilting your head upwards to ease the discomfort in your neck, you briefly stretch your limbs, mentally preparing yourself for the next attack.

"Just reading isn't going to help you. You need to build up your physical strength as well, before you turn 18. I'm sure you remember what your father said last night, so go outside and start training, dear."

You shiver at the recollection of that memory. The way your mother carried her voice in that exchange was laced with threats, despite her soft tone. It always seemed like that.

'Urg... Now isn't the time to be remembering some depressing conversation. I'm away from that now, that's all that matters at the moment. Well, that and exorcising this curse.' Still, you couldn't shake off your feelings of anger towards your family. 'I guess I'll never get over it. At least I can use that anger as energy for this battle; I'm starting to get a little tired.'

Inhaling sharply, you bring your knife to the tip of your thumb. 'There's no more time to waste. I need to kill this thing as quickly as possible to get back to the surface.' You start a countdown in your head, hoping it'll help with your hesitation.

'Three,' you start as your pressure increases. 'Two,' wincing at the strong resistance of your skin against your cold blade. 'One.' Blood slowly drips down your finger, the warm liquid blanketing the burning skin as you drag the tip of the knife down. You stop right before your first knuckle and gasp at the unsightly presence.

Quickly moving your gaze infront of yourself, you catch sight of the curse still regenerating, just a few feet in front of you. "Thanks for being so cooperative." You shiver as the being shoots up to look you directly in the eyes. Glancing at your finger, you see the deep cut now pouring out blood. 'Perfect.'

"Hey bud," your condescending tone states. It stares at you more intensely, squirming around. It was getting ready to attack you. 'That's right, keep your eyes on my face.'

Slowly, you drag the side of the blade over your tender skin, panting at the burning sensation the light pressure sends through your hand. "I've noticed you regenerate pretty quickly, so I've thought up an idea to counter that little obstacle of yours." The monster's burning gaze shot a very unpleasant feeling through your body. The recognizably human base paired with its long dark hair reminded you of a certain horror character. Its upward gaze despite its slouched body didn't help with the explication.

It was truly something from the depths of nightmares.

'Almost done. Keep looking at me with that horrifying gaze of yours-- don't stray away...' "For regeneration to occur, you need cells, correct?" You know it can't understand your words, but the noise kept its focus on you.

Switching which side of the knife the blood was clinging to regularly, you quickly glance down at the weapon to see a thin coat of dripping liquid cloaking the otherwise reflective surface. "Well, if I killed those cells, you wouldn't be able to regenerate anymore. Of course just slicing your skin wouldn't be enough, so I thought up something different."

You swiftly grab a match from your belt, swiping it against the striking paper to light a flame. The curse's eyes immediately focus to the fire, pupils dialing at the sudden light.

𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 [𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢]Where stories live. Discover now