Alligator Skin

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I might as well accept it, the reward sounds intriguing.


[Task - Travels Accepted]
[Travel to a Beast City Tier 2 or Higher Within 120 hours]

Beast City? What the hell, you mean where i'm at isn't considered a city in this world? There might be more advanced beastman out there? I see Finn walk back in the hut with boar meat on a stick. He hands it over to me I thank him and bite into the meat.


This is the plainest meat i've ever eaten. there's no seasoning on it at all.

"Finn did you add any seasoning?"

"Sorry i'm not sure what you mean by seasoning." He looks slightly confused.

"It's okay Finn, i'll cook the meat next time and show you." He looked a bit bothered by me saying that, but kept his mouth shut.

"Hey Finn, can you explain Beast City's to me a bit?" His face lit up at me just asking him something.

"We have 3 tiers of city's, a tier 1 Beast City, any beastman with any tier can enter. There are markets and arenas for beastmans to level up if they work hard enough. A tier 2 Beast City has better markets with high quality things, an arena, and they host festivals along with the pageants, you have to be level 3 or higher to enter a tier 2 Beast City. If you're a beastman lower than level 3 you have to pay a fee to enter. Now a tier 3 Beast City, most beasts can't get into. You have to be level 5 or higher to enter no matter what. They have the best arenas where you can dual high level beasts. Their markets have high tier items, but it's more expensive. They have the best beast doctors. Living there is mostly to show off to other beastmen in my opinion. But all the Beast Cities have a beast doctor."

"What level are you? I wanted to go to a tier 2 Beast City, but I'm afraid i'm not a high enough level yet." So much for the quest if i'm not a high enough level. He laughed a bit and smiled.

"I'm a level 5 beast. But don't you know? Females don't level up, they are welcome into any Beast City. We can go to a tier 2 Beast City if you'd like!"

"Yes definitely! How far is the closest one?"

"There's one that only takes about one night fall to get to!" Perfect. Maybe if I complete the quest early i'll get another bonus.

"When's the soonest we can head out there?"

"We can leave at first light, but I think you should wear some different beast skins. I've never seen your type of beast skins before and i'm worried other beasts might try and take you away for having these different things." His face looked so sad and worried. I understand where he's coming from, I don't want anyone to know i'm not from this world, at least not yet. But on the other hand i'm not sure how else i'll stay warm.

"I agree with you, but I might freeze to death without my beast skins. Is there some kind of cloak we can make to put over it to hide it, that way I can still wear it underneath and stay warm?"

"I have leftover alligator skin. I can make you a cloak out of that if you would like!" He looked overly happy to make me something, maybe this had to do with the mate thing with courting.

Shortly after talking with Finn some more I fell asleep on the straw bed with some furs.

The next morning I woke up to Finn coming back in through the entrance with raw meat. Over to the side I see the finished cloak. It looks really good, it seems that Finn is good at sewing.

"I brought back some fresh meat, I was waiting to cook it because you said you wanted to before."

"Yes thank you, not sure how great it'll taste, I don't have much to work with seasoning wise, but it'll be better than nothing. The cloak looks great by the way."

I start to follow Finn outside to a fire that he looks like he already had started. He placed the meat on a rather flat slab of stone and looked at me on what to do next.

"Do you have a knife so I can cut the meat?"
He looked at me confused.

"What's a knife?" Fuck.

"Something sharp to cut with?" His eyes lit up.

"I have my claws! You can use them anytime!" His hands then morphed with claws coming out, they look razor sharp. But at least it'll work. I guided his claws to cut the meat up, with no pans or pots around, kabobs will have to do. I used his claws to cut up the onions and red peppers.

After getting everything cooked, I watched Finn scarf down his portion and look at me happily. "It was delicious Willow!" He's like a puppy, it's cute.

We then packed our things up and I put the cloak over my winter coat. We both agreed that the mittens would have to be taken off when we arrive because it'll be hard to hide them. I brought my backpack with and just stuck it under the cloak. I hop on his back in his beast form and he takes off.

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