•Chapter 12•

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Koes pov:
I walk out of the house to my truck just thinking about my girl, well not mine but you know. when all of a sudden I got a text from my ex, Bailey.

Bailey Fisher: Who the fuck is that girl you're posting with Koe?

Me: Bailey why are you mad? we're not together.
I reply to the message and climb into my truck, starting it and pulling out of my driveway.

Bailey Fisher: Ik we're not tg koe but i want to try again, I love you.

Me: Bailey I don't think we're right for each other.

Bailey Fisher: one more chance to show you we are. Please?

Me: I'll think about it.

and I really will. I have been on and off with Bailey since high school, so leaving us behind would be hard. So i feel like one more chance for her to show me that she wants me is worth a shot. So I send her another text.

Me: this is your last chance Bailey. are you free for dinner tomorrow?

Bailey Fisher: Yes indeed I am☺️

I open her text and pull up into the driveway of where my meeting would be at. It's just with Dre and some other people on my tour team to help plan out shows for the upcoming tour. I rush in there pulling Dre to the side before the meeting starts. "Dre I need your help"

Dre looked at me confused but gave me a look as to keep going. "Bailey saw my post with Sutton. She wants to get back together. What do I do?" My words slur together, as I rush to get them out.

Dre's face dropped. "Koe you know how this ends. She either cheats on you or she leaves you for someone better" I nod my head, looking at my shoes.

"I know Dre. I just- I don't know it's hard to just leave us behind"

"Alright shall we get this meeting started?" Dre and I rush to our seats to finish this meeting up.

Finally the meetings over and it's almost time for supper. I drive home, listening to my new album to make sure everything sounds good. Suddenly I get to this song called "Creeps". Listening to the lyrics I remember how I felt when I sat in my living room 3 sheets to the wind, heartbroken. But she promised this time that's not how it would be. Plus if I get my heart broken again atleast I can make some more sad songs.


I pull into the driveway and walk in. Suttons in the kitchen making supper. Aww how sweet of her. I walk into the kitchen to see what's cooking. Tacos. My favorite.

I walk back into the living room after saying hi and sit on the couch, waiting for the food to be done.

"here Koe it's done" she says from the kitchen. I get up and smile at her. She's wearing a white crop tank top thing and black sweatpants. she looks really good actually.

I get my food and sit at the table, looking at my phone to see if I got any new notifications.

Bailey Fisher: Wyd tn? wanna go out? 

I look at the girl in front of me. who do I choose? I look back down at my phone.

Me: yeah sounds good see you at 11?

Bailey Fisher: Kk😘

I turn off my phone and put my dish in the sink. "uhm I have some stuff to do tn so i'm gonna go shower and change. don't wait up i won't be back till later" I say to my new roommate. She smiles at me and says ok. I walk to my room to shower and get changed before I need to head out. It's currently 8 so I have plenty of time so I decide to just lay in my bed until 10. The bad me and Bailey usually go to is a 20 minute drive from my house.

Finally 10 arrives and I get up from my bed. I jump in the shower and do what I need then get out and quickly throw on clothes. I walk into the hallway and hear Sutton in her room on the phone. I open the door to let her know I'm leaving. she gives me a thumbs up and I head out.

I arrive at the bar and see Baileys car, parking next to it. I walk inside to find my ex sitting at the bar talking to the bartender. I walk over to the tan brunette and sit on the barstool. "Koe!" she smiles at me, getting up and giving me a hug. I hug her back and turn towards the bartender.

"shot of Jack please" I say and turn my attention back to the woman sitting next to me. We make small talk about how things are going and then eventually we're both drunk, making out in my truck.

"let's take this to your place" she moans out, grabbing my shirt. I agree and move back to my seat, fixing my clothes and driving off. finally we get there and I tell her to be quiet to not wake up my roomate. she agrees and we walk into my room.

She starts getting undressed and lays on my bed and then the worse thing possible happens.

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