•chapter 4•

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Reiners Pov:
~at the bar~
We showed up to the bar and immediately i spot a pretty blonde. she was wearing red striped flare pants and a red cropped shirt. on her neck was a turquoise necklace. her hair hung freely down her back and on her shoulders. probably the most beautiful creature i had ever seen.

"i'm going to get a drink" i look at Sutton. before she says anything i walk to the bar and sit next to the girl.

"hi" i start "my names reiner" the girl stared at me in disgust.

"i just saw you walk in with two girls" she starts. i automatically know that she knows that i'm taken. but to be honest I only keep Sutton around in hopes to get famous off of her. and so i'm not alone.

i shake my head "none of those were mine." i laugh. "one is engaged and the other is single"

the blonde sighs in what believe is relief. "Cheyenne" she smiled at me.

"well let me buy you a drink Cheyenne" so that's what i did. and another. and another until suddenly we were making out. do i feel bad? not at all. well maybe a little. i pull away from Cheyenne and tell her i need a drink. as I walk up to the bar i see Koe and MY girlfriend flirting. well two can play this game. i order my drink and head back to Cheyenne.

"what you say we get out of here" i whisper in her ear trying to sound as sexual as possible. the younger girl smiled at me and grabbed my hand leading me to the front door.  

~back to present time~
Reiner has no right to talk to Sutton like that. and i made sure to let her know that. of course she just denies everything. but as soon as we pulled up to Parker's house that truck was sitting in the street. Parker beats me out of the truck first, since obviously there was a human on my lap, and he ran down to Suttons truck. he was pissed. Pecos and Read were next out of the truck and couldn't even make it down to the truck (not like they knew what was happening anyways). I didn't tell Parker about the phone call so i assume this angerness is because of the cheating. finally i make it out of the truck and run for the street. and standing on the curb is that punchy blonde. of course. in the time it took me to get to Reiner Parker already had him out of the truck and was already throwing punches. i step in and break them apart, holding back Parker while Sutton stood there in shock, tears streaming down her face. for some reason she still cared about him. after all of this, the hitting, the cheating, the verbal, mental, and physical abuse, she still loved him. finally Parker was calmed down enough for me to let go of him.

"you leave my sister alone. understand me? leave with this blonde, block Sutton on everything, and never come back here again." Parker was furious still, and i don't blame him.

"Parker. everything is fine Park we're ok. i promise." Sutton tried to reason with her brother. i know she only is doing this because she's scared. scared of what will happen when she goes back home and is vulnerable. she knows that Reiner won't leave her alone.

Reiner speaks up "exactly. we have a healthy relationship. now let's go baby i'm tired of this asshole getting into our business" damn he really knows how to get into her head. i look at Sutton who must have noticed i was looking at her. she turns her head towards me and i give her a look as if telling her 'we need to talk'

"Koe can we please talk" she asks me trying to make us walking away not so awkward. she turns towards the house and motions me to follow her. "so what do you need?" she asked her voice cracking from all the tears.

"i know that your scared. scared of what will happen when you go home and he can hurt you. but if you leave him, i'll....:

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