𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 5

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I knew something bad would happen, I just hope she's able to forgive them all. Actually, I just hope she gets better soon, I will be praying for her every night.

No one's POV–

It has been officially 8 days since the accident. Y/N's body recovered fully and left just tiny, almost invisible scars. She still hasn't awakened, but every day was progress, good progress.

Now, her mother was cleaning her daughter's body, gently scrubbing it with leaves to give a good scent to her body. Soon she left her resting daughter laying on her mat.

Everyone in the village prayed for the girl, and even spoke about a big celebration once she woke up.

The Sully Family and Metkayina Family apologized properly and were forgiven by the leaders. Except Diwali, he was still holding a grudge against the teenagers.

As everyone went on with their chores and duties, no one noticed a gryphon sneaking into the Hue'mi home.

It was Y/N's gryphon, Fei'te. The gryphon whimpered as it layed beside the resting girl, nudging her with his paws and his head, wanting her to wake up.


I slowly fluttered my eyes open, adjusting them to my surroundings. I lightly groaned as I did my best to sit up. I felt fur on my back as it helped me sit.

I looked back and saw my dear gryphon, she looked so happy to see me awake. "Hello Fei'te, did you miss me?" I said softly as she nudged her head to my neck excitedly, I gave her some head pats as I lightly chuckled.

"I'm happy to see you too, my dear" I said softly. I slowly got on my feet with her help, the numbness of my body slowly left. What the hell happened to me?

The last thing I remember is my body looking red and kind of bloody, but now it looks like normal. I bet it was my mom's job.

I tried to walk forward but my legs still felt weak and numb, Fei'te got in the middle of my fall and protected me from the hard ground. Once I got on my feet she stayed next to me and nudged my hand. I understood what she meant, she wanted me to use her as support while I walked.

My hand traveled to the back of Fei'te and grabbed the saddle. I began walking forward as she followed next to me, this time I did not fell down, thanks to her.

I walked out of my hut slowly and adjusted my eyes to the light outside. I heard something hit the ground, I looked forward and saw my mother running towards me, leaving behind a basket full of fruits.

"Ma Y/N!" She said as she embraced my body, her tall figure towering over me. She caressed my hair softly "Oh Great Mother thank you.. I missed you so much Ma Y/N" she softly said.

Slowly the people walked towards our hut, I felt different pairs of hands in my body, I looked up to see my father, Atohi and Diwali.

"I'm glad you're awake sis.." Atohi said softly. I felt my body being lifted up into the air, I looked down to see my father holding me up. "My dear princess finally woke up! Beautiful as ever" He said with a gentle smile. I relaxed my body and smiled softly towards my family "I missed you all.." I said while tearing up.

Again I felt my family hugging me close as I cried in their arms.

Short timeskip

I was back in my hut, my mother gave me some fruit and meat to recover my energy, next to me Fei'te was peacefully sleeping.

Diwali was sharpening his knife behind me and next to my other side Atohi sat smiling and telling me everything that I missed while I was unconscious.

I heard footsteps, I looked at the entrance and saw my mother and father walk in. Behind them the Sully Family and Metkayina Family followed.

I let out a sigh of relief when I saw my dear friends. They all kneeled in front of me and looked down.

"We are terrible sorry for the pain we have caused you, we didn't have bad intentions" I heard Neteyam say, they looked to afraid to look up to see my face.

I stood up and walked towards them, gently stroking their hair. I made them all look up at my figure as I lightly smiled. "I know, I deeply appreciate your apology" I said softly as I returned to my place next to my brother and gryphon.

I saw their figures relax as they heard my words, Tuk came up to me and gave me a bunch of beautiful flowers. "For you!" She said with a smile, I gladly took the flowers and placed them on my lap.

"I heard there will be a celebration tonight.. for my successful recovery. I hope I see you all there" I said with a genuine smile. I knew Diwali was holding a grudge, I could feel his killer glance in my back, but I understood that they didn't know. Of course, we never really made it obvious that sunlight harmed us. That makes them not guilty.

And, if I must be honest, having friends now makes me somewhat happy, I lacked social skills, unlike my mother and brothers. I was more like my father.

But I never thought having friends meant feeling a knot in my stomach everytime I'm around them, it's not necessarily a bad feeling, it just makes me flutter. I can't place my finger on it though.

I was now sitting on my room, my mother was styling my hair to make it look pretty for tonight. I was wearing a white gown, it was a long skirt that had openings on the sides once it reached my thighs. I had a white top with small sleeves right under my shoulders. My waist was adorned with a bead made of Pearls. My hair had flowers and pearls adorning it gracefully. It looked like something I could wear to my coming of age ritual.

"Your hair is done Ma Y/N" My mother said softly, I nodded as she placed a sweet kiss on my forehead before she left my room. I stood up from the ground and walked out of my room.

I left my hut and smiled at the view. Beautiful bioluminescent flowers and decorations everywhere, spiritual guides dancing in the air between themselves, a bonfire in the middle of all the people, they were serving meat and fruits. I felt the strong smell of the Ra'e tea. As I made my way through the crowd, I saw all my friends speaking to Atohi.

I walked towards them as I waved, I received the same gesture back. I quickly joined Ao'nung's side. Everyone looked beautiful tonight.

I couldn't remember how I got like this, but I felt really funny. The world around me was spinning as I let out laughs and giggles.

The only thing I remember is taking a sip of Ra'e tea, but nothing else. Everything seems like a blur, my mouth feels dry.

I felt someone tug on my wrist and make me walk, I looked forward and saw Rotxo, next to him Ao'nung. I looked behind me and the whole group was following us.

We stopped at the bioluminescent lake, everyone jumped in. I simply got my feet in the water as I sat down in the edge. I smiled while looking at everyone. I felt someone lay their head on my shoulder, I looked next to me and saw Kiri, I think she drank a little bit of Re'a tea too.

"You look ravishing tonight..I can't take my eyes off you" She said with a shy smile. I felt my cheeks burning, she looked beautiful, I felt that weird knot on my stomach again.

Soon she disappeared from my view, but behind me I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked back to see Rotxo. He helped me get up and motioned me to follow him, and I did.

We separated a little bit from our friends, he took out a beautiful bracelet made of pearls and what seemed like a creature's tooth. It was rather pretty and eccentric.

"I'm so glad you're back" I heard him say, I lightly giggled at the sweet words. The knot in my stomach only grew with every single lovely thing they did for me, listening to me, staring, giving gifts. It felt like a dream.

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