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You, Tyrion, and Tywin all arrived at Highgarden. Mace Tyrell was holding a tourney in honour of his daughter's name day. Word of your dragon hadn't gotten out, only that you had fought in the Greyjoy rebellion. Tywin was at Highgarden to propose a marriage between you and Margaery, which you didn't mind. You had found her beautiful when you were a boy. Last time at least. "Father," you looked up and saw your aunt, who you had only met once before, in this life at least, Cersei, "Your Grace," you said "Nephew," she replied with clear discontent in her voice. You then noticed your cousins, the younger two you had always loved, but Myrcella was only a little girl and Tommen was only about three. Nevertheless, you had brought the young prince a gift. A kitten. They walked over with Joffrey and the younger two hugged you. "Tommen, I have a gift for you," you said and knelt down before handing him the kitten "thank you Cousin!" he exclaimed with a grin "you too Princess," you said and handed her a kitten as well. You watched as the pair grinned at one another. "No point in pets, give them here," Joffrey ordered taking out a dagger "put that blade away," you growled "I'm the crown prince I do what I want!" he whined before trying to attack you. Trying being the key word there. The difference between you and Joffrey was this: you were a warrior and he was a coward who hid behind his mother's skirt. Even if you hadn't been reborn, you would still beat him with ease. You dodged your cousin's pitiful attempts at an attack with clear ease, "I'll gut you you little cunt!" he yelled, you drew Dark Sister and blocked him, "give it to me!" he exclaimed with an excited look in his eyes "no," you replied "follow your prince's command," Cersei growled "Dark Sister is mine," you argued "Y/n, just give it to him," Tyrion sighed "no! You wouldn't give up me would you? Dark Sister is mine. I found it. And not even the crown prince nor the king can take someone's Valyrian steel sword! Law is clear on that," you stated and they all shut up "kid has more balls than most adults!" Robert laughed as he walked over "Your Grace," you said doing a sharp bow like that Tywin would do with Joffrey "are you taking part in anything?" he asked "yep," you replied as you noticed Caraxes flying above "all three games," you said with a proud look on your face "then I will too!" Joffrey exclaimed "no!" Cersei yelled "jousting and melees are no place for a prince," "he needs to learn how to fight, war is inevitable," you argued "he has armies for that," Cersei scoffed and walked away. Joffrey not far behind. "Do try not to act a fool Y/n," Tywin said  before following his daughter, who had gone over to Jaime. "And now I'm going to go talk to Lady Olenna, Your Grace, Father," you said and walked away.

You walked onto the balcony where Lady Olenna was having some wine. You had always admired her, and her advice to you had always stuck in your head. "The lords of Westeros are sheep. Are you a sheep? No. You're a dragon. Be a dragon," you repeated in your head. "Hello, little lord, what is it you want?" Olenna asked and you sat in the chair beside her "to propose a betrothal between me and Lady Margaery," you stated "and why should I agree to that?" she asked "it would mean you have a powerful alliance in war time. King Robert is planning to marry Joffrey to Ned Stark's eldest daughter, meaning our house will be in allegiance with Houses Arryn, Tully, and Stark along with Baratheon. You marry Margaery to me and it will mean prosperity for all our houses," you explained "I can raise the largest army, I don't need an alliance for that," she scoffed "true, but I hear the Targaryens are planning to marry a Dothraki horselord. If it happens and when they cross the Narrow Sea? A Targaryen at the head of a Dothraki army. Nothing good could come from it," you argued "the Dothraki are no threat, they don't sail," she replied "but Targaryens do. And I hear someone is planning to give the Targaryen girl dragon eggs. If she hatches them then everything will burn," you said "you speak like you're an adult and seasoned warrior," she chuckled "perhaps I am, just trapped in a child's body," you replied "if you are, then you're from the future. Tell me boy, how do I die?" she asked "poison," you instantly said. "Tell me, what's the bigger number. Five, or one?" you asked "five," she replied "five," you put five fingers up "one," you put a fist up "one army, a real army, behind one leader behind one purpose. That's what the Dothraki are. They're the greatest fighting force this world has seen since entire armies of dragons," you stated "say they do invade. We hold up in our castles, wise move, only a fool would meet the Dothraki in an open field. Or someone with a dragon. They go from town to town looting and burning. Killing our men, enslaving all our women and children. Stealing all our livestock. How long is it before the people decide Viserys Targaryen is the rightful monarch after all because we're too scared, hiding behind stone walls?" and you saw surprise and shock on Olenna's face. Considering you had just spoken like a seasoned war general, yet you were 10. "I'm to be the next Lord of Casterly Rock, Tywin will never allow my father to be Lord of anything. Marry Margaery to me and she'll be happy and safe. I promise. I'll never harm her or do anything to her she doesn't allow," you said "I'll have to think about it," she replied "of course, Ser Barristan is soon to meet his end. On the battlefield or in his sleep. Either way it's soon, within the next decade I'd bet. Robert isn't going to be very far behind, considering it's Robert. And my cousin will be on the throne. He'll probably make either me or Tywin his hand, and I'll suggest someone new on the Kings Guard. I hear Loras is becoming a skilled warrior," you stated "you'd sign Loras to the Kings Guard?" she scoffed "if you don't marry Margaery to me, then yes," you replied "perhaps we can sign him now, he would be the youngest Kings Guard in history. He's a knight, and would serve faithfully. The Tyrell name will fade, as I'm sure you're familiar with the Kings Guard vows," you said "my Lady," you nodded and walked away. Feeling proud of yourself for having won in a conversation against Olenna fucking Tyrell.

The Lannister King | Male Reader X Game of Thrones HaremOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora