May 28th, 1988 (Part 1/2)

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Log 1

We woke up the next morning and we were starting to fire up and refuel the engines. While we were doing so Diesel 10 was telling everyone what had happened to him and the others a few days ago. Apparently on the day of the explosion he, the ironworks twins and Splatter and Dodge were at the ironworks doing their usual work when Dennis arrived to pick up a train steel for Killdane. Dennis was about to leave when the explosion happened. The six Diesels went into a panic and ran to the nearest piece of cover they were close to. Later on when they came out of hiding and regrouped they heard a horn and bear rolled in with half a goods train and the six diesels were in shock to see him. Bert then asked him where his brake van was but Bear just looked sadly down at his buffers and didn't say anything. The diesels could tell that whatever happened must have taken a toll on him. A little while later Salty rolled into the ironworks with his coaches and trucks, and he decided to stay with them. However 2 nights ago they heard a noise coming from outside, Splatter went to investigate but he came back screaming in horror and they soon found out why. In Front of them they could see an engine and then it began to move towards them. Splatter, Dodge, and Dennis ran into the ironworks shed while the other diesel hid in the yard. They then heard the screaming of Splatter, Dodge and Dennis coming from inside the ironworks. The engine was about to leave when Bear's engine made a growling noise. The engine then charged into the yard and attacked Bear and killed him. Before it could kill the other Diesel it stopped and looked at them. The engine then started to rattle and shake, then it said in a scared voice "Help me". But before anyone could do or say anything else the engine raced away with the vans and brake van it had behind it.

Salty then started to explain what happened to him. He was at the docks shunting as usual when everything happened. He then ran to the station he was closest to and picked up the two express coaches Ben had shunted earlier that day. He then reversed into the shed and coupled up the vans, tanker and truck he had raced away from the docks. After he ran past us he continued up the branchline till he reached Wellsworth. He turned around quickly on the turntable and raced down the mainline and passed the coaches that had derailed at the bottom of Gordon's hill, he then passed Henry at Maron but before he could reach cronk he was diverted onto the Peel Godred branch and headed up the the Ironworks, he did see the back end of Emily's but didn't stop and did see Boco at the bottom of the cliff as well, and arrived at the Ironworks where he stayed with the other Diesels.

Emily then explained that she was at Killdane talking to Bear when Boco arrived with a goods train from Vicarstown. They talked for a while until they heard the explosion and the sirens. Bear raced off first, followed by Boco and then her. They raced up the Peel Godred branch as fast as they could but when they reached Hawin, Emily didn't realize the points were against her until she hit them. She derailed and rolled down the hill and crashed into the shed. After a few minutes she started to feel the same pain Gordon and Wilbert felt and followed by the dripping water or ink and her eyes changing, it soon stop after a few minutes and all Emily could was sit there, she also mentioned that heard an engine pass twice, the second time was the night before when James and the others were venturing up the branch to search for anyone, she figured it was Jinty who raced by the first because she heard a loud roar as well before James and the other chased backwards down the branch.

Log 2

While we were still talking we heard the rumbling sound of a Diesel. James went to go see who it was but then he came back screaming but before we could ask him what was wrong we saw what had made him scream. There, following James into the yard was the infected D261. He was closing in on James fast but before he could touch him Gordon sprung into action and coupled up to him and dragged him away from James. Edward then acted fast and grabbed Toby's stone trucks and pushed them into D261 knocking him off the rails. We wasted no time and quickly grabbed all the trucks and coaches and we raced away from cronk as fast as we could.

Log 3

We managed to escape Cronk safely and we arrived at Killdane and we were surprised by who was waiting for us there. There sitting in the goods shed was Murdoch, Neville and Fergus. They were surprised to see us but smiled when they did. We asked them what happened and where Molly was. The three engines looked at each other before Murdoch started to explain what happened, Murdoch said he, Molly, Neville and Harvey were at Knapford sheds when everything happened, they hid in the sheds for a few days until they decided to leave to escape to the mainland. Harvey decided to head up to Tidmouth and look for survivors so they parted ways and Harvey headed up to Tidmouth. The three engines then searched the yard and found some trucks and coaches and soon left. While they were heading down the mainline last night Molly began to change when they exited Henry's Tunnel and she began to scream in terror and pain. They flew down the mainline at a fast speed, the two engines were begging Molly but she didn't respond and just kept screaming. When they reached killdane Murdoch and Neville finally managed to apply their brakes but the coupling connecting Molly to the trucks in front Neville broke and Molly raced off in the direction of the Kirk Ronan. Several minutes later Murdoch and Neville heard a loud crashing sound, they traveled down the Branchline until they could smell smoke and when they could see it they saw it lead into the cement works. When they pulled in they saw Fergus in his Shed and the fiery remains of Molly in a siding. Fergus then told them that he had been hiding in the cement works when this all happened and he saw Molly crash into the full tankers in the siding, he then joined Murdoch and Neville and they went back to Killdane. They also said that yesterday they saw Harvey pass by with some trucks and coaches possibly heading to the mainland. The three engines then decided they were going to join our cavalcade of survivors, were going to head up to Crovan's gate so we can try and collect the narrow gauge engines if they are still alive and hopefully we can get off the island.

Log 4

While we were traveling down the mainline we stopped at Kellsthorpe station to search for survivors, but before we searched inside we saw the hollowed out corpse of D199 sitting in one the sidings, clearly D261 or Jinty had gotten hold of him. While some of the crews were searching the station were suddenly attacked from behind, when we looked back we saw Pug who had bumped into Toad but when we looked closer we realized it wasn't Pug anymore, he was infected like D261 and Jinty. He then started to pull us back but we tried pulling against him but it was no use and Toad's coupling snapped and Pug dragged him away down the Kirk Ronan Branch. Everyone was in shock at what had just happened, Oliver then went into panic and said we had to go save Toad as he didn't want to lost one his best friend, Duck agreed and decided to go with him, Douglas also want to go with us as toad was also a very good friend of his and didn't want to lose him either, so we split from the group and headed down the branchline.

Log 5

While we were down the branch we kept an eye out for Pug, Jinty or D261 so in case we were attacked we would be ready to fight. We eventually arrived at the yard outside of Kirk Ronan where we saw Toad in a shed but next to him was another brake van but not just any brakevan but the same brake van that had helped the trucks push Duck into the Crosby barber shop all those years ago with some vans behind it. Duck and Oliver went into the sidings and coupled up to the brake vans, but as we were pulling out of the yard Pug appeared from under the bridge followed by an infected Derek and Charlie. Pug then charged at us but Duck shoved the vans that were behind the brake van into him and pushed him into a siding and bashed him into the buffers and Derailed him. Derek then went to charge at Oliver, Douglas and Toad but then out of nowhere came James with a flatbed and he bashed into Derek and pushed him into Charlie and derailed them both. We then raced away from the branchline as fast as we could, while doing so we passed Jinty who had been thrown off the line but we didn't stop until we got back to the mainline.

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