April 21st, 1988

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Log 1

Hello there everyone, My name is Jacob and I am a driver of The North Western Railway. I drive the number eight engine known as Montague or Duck as everyone calls him with my friend Adam (Duck's Fireman). Duck says he prefers his nickname over his real name because it seems more fitting for him and me, Adam and the rest of the engines and people on the island agree. Duck works on his very own branchline which is called the little western. Duck also works alongside his other friends that work on the brachline with him, his two Auto Coaches, Alice and Mirabel, as well as Oliver, Isabel and Dulcie Oliver's Auto Coaches, Wilbert, Toad the brake van, the Scottish Twins Donald and Douglas and Arthur as well because his branchline Norramby connects to The little western. Anyway I got this journal about a month ago and wasn't sure on what to write about in it, but I decided to use it now given what has been happening on the Island recently. About a week ago Sir Topham Hatt was having a new power station built near the end of The little western, it was to be built between Arlesburgh and Norramby. Duck was a bit skeptical about it at first but the other engines assured him that it would be alright and it would help the Island more, which seemed to make him feel better about the idea. Sir Topham told us a few days later after the decision had been made that we would all be helping to bring supplies to the site where the power station would be built and that we would be getting help from the engines on Thomas's Branchline because with the workload starting to increase soon were going to need all the help we can get on the branchline. I'll keep this journal in the cab so I can write down anything else that may happen in the future.

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