May 25th, 1988 (Part 1/2)

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Log 1

Oh God, I had a strange feeling this would happen and I was right, I should probably start from the beginning on what happened. It was a cloudy day and we were at Elsbridge yard shunting a train of empty trucks to be taken down to Brendam Docks when it happened. Duck had just finished shunting the last four trucks on to his and they were coupled up and as he was waiting for the guards whistle for the all clear to leave we heard a loud explosive bang, followed by siren blaring out and we knew what that meant. Something had caused the power station to explode. Duck then started whistling, signaling that we had to get out of there, we then heard the guards whistle and I released the brakes and Duck whistled one last time before we sped out of the yard and onto the mainline. Duck sped up down the line going as fast as he could. We rushed through Crosby Tunnel and past the station as fast as we could, as we were crossing the viaduct we saw Donald and Douglas heading the other way with a goods train, Duck tried whistling for them to reverse but they were already out of ear shot by the time they passed him, I hope they both ok. We sped through Wellsworth as fast as we could. The points then changed in front of us but as we started to head down the branchline we heard a crashing sound coming from Gordon's Hill, I hope whoever was heading up that way is alright. We then passed the vicarage orchard but we didn't see Trevor in his shed or the field he worked either, I wonder where the traction engine is. As we were passing Suddery Station we saw Salty heading in the opposite direction with two express coaches, two vans, a fuel tanker and truck. I wonder where he is now. We then rushed past Lower Suddery, up the hill, over the bridge and arrived at brendam and we came to a stop in the large shipping.Co shed that was a few inches away from Cranky and we decided to wait there for a while.

Log 2

A few minutes after we arrived we heard a whistle from behind us and we saw Bill pull beside us with some china clay cars behind him. Bill said he had been in the clay pits taking some trucks out of the mine when he heard the explosion, he quickly reversed back in and stayed there for a little while until he decided to come here. Duck then asked Bill where Ben was and Bill said that Ben was assigned to work in the Brendam yards and help shunt trucks and coaches around the docks as well for the morning. Less than a few minutes later Ben pulled up with some trucks from the Brendam yard behind him. He then told us that he had been hiding in the goods shed at the Brendam yard and had seen Duck pass. We decided to wait in the shed for a while until we decided to leave.

Log 3

After about an hour we decided to leave so we could search the island, Bill and Ben said they would stay behind, they said they wanted to gather a train together so they would be protected before they left and we agreed. We put the goods train in lower level sheds in clay pits and then turned around on the turntable next to the other station at Brendam, before we left Duck said he wanted to take the three coaches he saw in the station, so he coupled up to them and we left.

Log 4

We soon arrived at Wellsworth and decided to check the station to see if there were any survivors. After we found about 20 survivors in the station we were about to leave when we heard something in the yards behind us. Duck decided he wanted to have a quick look around, he searched to goods shed first and when he did he found Rosie hiding behind some trucks, Duck asked her what happened and she said she had been at crosby dropping a goods train and was heading up to wellsworth to shunt her next one together to take back to Knapford. While she was shunting she heard the explosion and the sirens and decide to hide behind the trucks in the goods shed, Duck then asked if she would like to come with him down the line to Knapford to search for more survivors and she agreed. So Rosie coupled up in front of Duck and we set off for Knapford.

Log 5

As we were heading down the line we were approaching Crosby Station when we saw a long goods train sticking out on the mainline leading into the yard, when we got closer we looked into the yard and saw Donald and Douglas. Donald had crashed into the barber shop and Douglas was trying to pull him out, Douglas then saw us and begged us to help him get Donald out the shop and didn't hesitate to help. Duck and Rosie took turns going back and forth taking the goods train out of the way piece by piece. Once all the trucks had been cleared from the siding, Duck and Rosie coupled up to Douglas and together the three engines managed to pull Donald out of the shop and back onto the rails. When the engines pulled up next to Donald they were shocked to see his face, Donald's nose was bleeding and he had a black eye but non the less he was ok. Rosie then asked the twins what happened and they told us.

Log 6

The Twins were at Cronk picking up the goods train they had with them and had left right on time. They were approaching Maron when they heard the explosion followed by the sirens, the twins then started to speed and raced through Maron and rushed to Gordon's Hill. As they puffed over the hill and around the bend they passed Henry struggling up the hill with some coaches behind him, they then passed through Wellsworth when they saw Rosie reverse in the goods shed, they then passed through Henry's Forest and were approaching the Viaduct when they saw Duck race past with his goods train, they were then approaching Crosby when Donald noticed the points were set into the yard, He told Douglas to break and he did but it was to late and twins sped into the yard and Donald crashed into the barber shop stopping to train completely, Donald was then knocked out due to the wall hitting him on the head, and woke up later when he heard a whistle. Douglas then explained 20 minutes after they crashed and he found Donald was knocked out he heard James's whistle and then he saw James rush past with six red and cream fast passenger service coaches, but after James rushed past something else did as well but Douglas couldn't see who it was as James was weeshing so much steam when he passed creating a thick white cloud but the last thing Douglas did remember hearing from the other engine was a laughter and roar.

Log 7

After Donald and Douglas explained what happened to them, Rosie and Duck also explained what had happened to them. After that Donald and Douglas decided to head down the line towards Brendam so they could make sure the Twins were okay and they could look around for anyone else who may be on the branchline. We then parted ways and went down the line.

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