Chapter 2

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My head rests on Jungkook's chest just over his heart. We clean up and he pulls on his sweatpants but keeps his shirt off so his warm skin is against my cheek.

My whole body is directly on top of him, holding him hostage from leaving me. His heartbeat is slow and steady. I still feel hungry for his nearness as if I have been starved and can never get full. My left hand traces his shoulder tattoo. Jungkook is running his hands over my back. I breathe his scent in deeply, still smelling cologne despite the sweating.

 I breathe his scent in deeply, still smelling cologne despite the sweating

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He starts humming a melody that makes his chest vibrate against me. When he sings, it feels like his voice is an instrument tuned to the vibration of my cells. His exquisite tone heals me like nothing else. I know a lot of people feel that way though, so I close my eyes and am grateful for the moment. His singing fades and his hands slow down.

With my face still pressed to his chest, I mumble, "As much as I want to stay like this, I think if we stay here much longer we're both going to be asleep."

"But I want to sleep with you," he whines and shakes his body in a feigned tantrum, sending me off of him and laughing. He wraps his leg back around me trying to trap me back when I try to leave.

"I want to sleep with you too and hopefully we can get a little sleep at some point but didn't you have plans for us tonight?"

"Mhm, I do. Did you bring your dress?" He turns his head towards me.

I look at him raising my eyebrows, "The black one you asked for."

"Mmm I can't wait to see it," Jungkook pauses and then sits up quickly,

"OK, let's get it!" I laugh at his sudden energy.

"What exactly are we doing? We can't go anywhere."

"I know and I'm very sorry about that. I promise I will take you out somewhere very nice when we get back to Seoul. But I thought I could set up a little picnic out there and I have a gift to give you."

"A picnic? But with what food? You don't have a kitchen in here, do you?"

"I know and I know it's not much but I'm going to go back up to the house and cook us some ramen."

"Back to the main house? What if someone sees you?" I ask.

"You know I can eat like 5 cups of ramen so no one will even question it."

"True. OK," I roll off the bed but then almost fall as Bam launches forward past me and barks at a knock at the door. We freeze and stare at each other with big eyes.

"OMG Jungkook. Who is that? I thought you told them you were going to bed?"

"Bam, sit!" Jungkook commands and starts for the door.

"Jungkook!" I can hear Yoongi's voice calling Jungkook through the door.

I'm still frozen and Jungkook looks back into the bedroom, "Stay in there!"

I have no idea what to do. I look around the room trying to assess where I should go. What if Yoongi wants to borrow some clothes or something? What if he's wanting to come into the room and talk about something? What would he want this late at night anyway?

This is not good. If Yoongi figures this out and then tells everyone they might be really angry with Jungkook. Who knows if they've tried this before and gotten turned down. That would feel really unfair. And if they're angry at him, that could make the rest of the filming so awkward. Not to mention the schedule they have planned for next week.

They are always good about working things out but if they felt like he was jeopardizing work, they might feel like he crossed the line. And if they're angry, they may be willing to bring the company into this, and then who knows what trouble Jungkook would be in. And what if they are mad at me? I would be devastated. What if Hybe bans me from any Hybe property or event? That would be terrible. I could not think about that right now, though. Yoongi is knocking now.

I finally decide to stand behind the bedroom door and hear Jungkook open the main door

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I finally decide to stand behind the bedroom door and hear Jungkook open the main door. "Hey, Yoongi. What's up?"

"Bam! Hey!" Yoongi's voice is now coming from inside the house. Bam's feet are tapping against the floor in happiness.

"Sorry, it's late. I know you wanted to go to bed, but I saw your light on and thought I'd see if you wanted to come to the main house and get a drink with me?"

"Like right now?" Jungkook stammers.

"Yeah. I couldn't sleep and I thought we could talk about..." Yoongi's voice trails off mid-sentence. Oh no. I press myself closer to the wall as if that somehow hides me better. "Jungkook, is that y/n's bag?"

My bag! I totally forgot I left it in the living room where I dropped it coming in earlier. The purple would totally stand out. Silence hangs in the other room and I hold my breath for what Jungkook will say.

"Yoongi, listen. She just showed up tonight and it's our first anniversary and I absolutely refused to miss it and the company knows and they swore I..."

"Jungkook," Yoongi interrupts Jungkook's explanation. "It's okay. Really. Hi, y/n." Yoongi delivers with an elevated, but even tone. He seems unphased by the news I'm here.

"Hi, Yoongi," I squeak from behind the door.

"I actually was going to ask about your anniversary plans tonight."

"You were?" Jungkook is surprised.

"Yeah, I mean, we've all listened to you counting on the 13th of every month for the past year," I put my hand over my mouth, trying not to squeal at this news. "You guys must be hungry. Can I make you something?" I shake my head yes to no one.

"Yoongi, you don't have to do that," I hear Jungkook insist. Yes he does, I think. He doesn't, but Yoongi is the best cook and I would never turn that offer down.

"I told you I couldn't sleep," Yoongi insists.

I can imagine the matter-of-fact, closed-lipped smile on his face.

"OK, but you can't tell anyone what you're doing, okay? I really don't want to get in trouble."

"Everyone else is in their rooms. I'll be back in 20 minutes. Bye, y/n," he calls out before the door shuts.

"Bye, Yoongi, thank you," I sing.

Jungkook appears behind the door, he grabs me in a hug, and we both fall out in giggles on the bed.

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