Chapter 1; How we met

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Friday, 7.June 1p.m.

Hi ,I'm Linney,11 years old.
I'm also the one who's writing the book and using the me form of writing.
So let's begin.
I was in class with my friends Barin,Lukas, Betül and Amy (also 11 years) waiting for the bell to dismiss us.
Barin and Lukas had always dreamt of being in a cool gang, so me (Linney) and Betül agreed,Amy wasn't so moved ; but 4
people for a gang was a little too little.
Betül is Lukas' girlfriend and Amy is Barin's girlfriend.
After school I played table tennis on the schoolyard with my crush : Mats.
He was nice,sporty, cool,and handsome, not to forget brave.
But he wasn't in my class, so I only saw him after class in the break or after school.
We were in the 6th grade and in the 7th grade we would be in a whole different class, and I was going to be in his.
As well as my friends.
So I invited him to join our gang ,well group and he agreed.
We created a group chat on WhatsApp and made a gang name.
The cool wild.
I was pretty excited too, and my best friend Betül felt the same.
The main reason why I was excited was because my crush was going to join us.
It was just a day before the holidays, so the real fun starts tomorrow.

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