𝟑| 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐰

Start from the beginning

His words had the agents looking at him in shock before the one from earlier looked to Moira with an accusing gaze, accusing her of bringing a spy as he grabbed a phone. The woman was instantly defending herself as they all began shouting. Y/n felt Raven stand up and place her on the floor before she turned herself to look like one of the agents in front of her. This had all of them stopping as they now stared at her in shock while Y/n moved towards her father, feeling him lift her up on his lap just when Raven turned back into her normal blue self.

Charles tilts his head, raising a brow. "How's that for a magic trick?"

"Best I've ever seen." The man in the back of the room murmurs.

One of the agents points at the three of them. "I want them out of here. And locked down until I can figure out what to do."

"My facility's off site." The man tells them, making their attention move to him. "I'll take them."

There was some time passed as the agents had left the room once they saw that the man had taken the three of them. Now in the parking garage, Y/n found herself holding her father's hand tightly as she walked along side him, walking in between him and the man that had offered to take them to his facility. From where she could see, Y/n could see that the man looked mesmerized after witnessing Raven's abilities.

"I've always known that there were people like you out there." The man admits, breaking the silence. "I've been the laughing stock of this agency for years, but I knew it. You're gonna love my facility."

"That's gonna have to wait." Charles states.

The man furrows his brows. "Why?"

"Agent MacTaggert has a lead on Sebastian Shaw, and if we don't move now, apparently, we're gonna lose him." Charles informs.

A black vehicle was suddenly pulling up in front of them, revealing Moira sitting in the driver's seat, hands resting on the wheel as she looked at them through the window. While the man was looking at Charles in confusion, Raven was opening up the back door, letting Y/n hop in first before she was sliding in beside her. Charles doesn't look at the man as he opens the passenger's side door, bending down to place his suit case on the floor of the car.

"Not only can he read minds, he can communicate with them as well." Raven tells him.

"Moira and I have just had a lovely conversation." Charles adds, glancing at the said woman.

Moira nods. "Yes, we did."

"That is incredible!" The man exclaims, making Charles chuckle. "But I cannot take you anywhere else without permission from upstairs."

"Would you like to see one more magic trick?" Charles questions, receiving a nod while he places his fingers on his temple. "Get in the car."

Only agreeing with the words 'good idea' coming out of his mouth, showing that Charles had made him do that with his abilities, the man had found himself sliding into the backseat where Y/n and Raven were sitting. Seeing him closing the door behind himself, Charles was hopping into the passenger's seat. Raven looked to the six year old beside her, making sure she had her seatbelt on before Moira was pressing on the gas and driving off.

* * *

The sky was dark, showing that it was finally nighttime out in one out of the many countries on the planet called Earth. The dark clouds were matching up with the dark sky, covering up the usual bright moonlight. The ocean was dark, matching the sky above it as the wind was occasionally blowing by, causing the waves of the ocean to continue to move up and down more furiously than before.

A few hours had gone by since Moira MacTaggert had decided she'd help the mutants find Sebastian Shaw, and they had been able to find him. The said man was on a large ship that was floating in the middle of the ocean as they were now engaging on him at this current moment.

On their own ship as they watched the others move in their small boats, Y/n was holding the railing in her small hands as she watched the boats drive in the direction of the large and fancy ship as she stood beside her father with Moira and the man from before standing just behind them.

Charles had two fingers resting on his temple, his other hand having been placed on the rail in front of them as he tried to connect to anyone's mind that was on the ship with Shaw, or even Shaw himself. However, with his brows deeply furrowed, he could sense that there were mutants on there, especially one like himself.

"I-I've lost Shaw." Charles stutters out in announcement. "There's something blocking me. This has never happened to me before. I think there's someone like me on that ship."

Moira raises a brow. "Like you?"

"I'm sorry, a telepath." Charles tells her, shaking his head. "This is incredible. I could actually feel her inside my mind. I'm very sorry, but I don't think I'm gonna be much help to you tonight. You're on your own."

Y/n reaches up, grabbing his hand as he pulls her closer. They watch as one of the mutants on the ship create tornados from their won hands, sending them towards the boats that were headed their way, the boats flipping over as they had been flung into the air.

This had Y/n's eyes widening in fear as she looks up at her father when he was picking her up, resting her on his hip as they all moved to head inside. Just as they were moving down the stairs, Charles came to a stop as a grunt of pain escaped him, moving one of his hands to his head.

"Daddy! Are you okay?" Y/n asks, concern etched on her face as she looked at her father.

"There's someone else out there." Charles breathes out.

Being as fast as possible, the man was moving back outside, holding his daughter in his arms as Moira and the man followed behind him. Their eyes followed to where his finger pointed towards Shaw's boat, seeing chains were floating up in the air before they were swinging through the ship, destroying it in the process. It wasn't all that long until they were seeing a bright light beneath the water, a man with his head above the surface following right behind it, his hands wide open as he used his abilities to hold onto the submarine that was driving underneath the waves.

"Let go!" Charles yells out to him. "You have to let it go! You've got to put someone in the water to help him."

The brunette was still shouting at the mutant, watching as he submerged underneath the water, still holding onto the submarine. Placing Y/n down onto the floor of the boat, Charles was rushing in the direction of the side of the ship, shrugging his jacket off in the process before he was jumping into the ocean water, clearly going to stop the mutant.

𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐑𝐀, 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋Where stories live. Discover now