Forbidden Romance- Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Romantic Crisis

I was sat in my office, wiggling my pen with my two fingers. The sun was exquisitely bright that morning and was shining right into my eyes, but I didn't give 2 fucks. I couldn't stop thinking about that afternoon a few days or so ago, like a nit and I was refusing to scratch my scalp. Today was my office day and that meant no fighting or arresting. Suddenly, I snapped back into reality and noticed Philip's head popping around the corner.

"Hey, you've been a bit unusual since that police search. Are you alright, mate?"

"Yeah, I'm fine!"

I smiled, I'm surprised he noticed. I'm good at masking my feelings: since I was little. Philip's such a good friend, he always looks out for me. I guess we have to whether or not, we're roommates. We have been for a good 4 years or so (since we were about 17).

"You sure?"

He asked me again, his face looking concerned and blue. I didn't want to worry, nor did I want him to find out about Gray.


I say chirpily, trying to manipulate him.

"Ok, but I going to stay nearby you just in case you need me,"

He said slowly leaving the room until the door banged shut. I let out a huge breath and slumped back in my chair. I couldn't even concentrate on my job, never mind keeping the act together so Philip doesn't bombard me with comforting questions. I do love my pal and tell him everything, but not this time. In fact, I can't tell anyone I know apart from perhaps Katy? Even she'll be surprised, I bet you.

I woke up unexpectedly at 3:28 in the morning, probably because I how stressed out I've been at work and... with that. I rubbed my eyes to try and see clearly, but it failed. I crawled out of bed, trying to avoid as much noise as possible. I hovered into my en-suite, turning on the hot tap lightly, to save as much water as I can, and splashed my eyes to see better. It worked. I hovered back into my bedroom and walked into the hallway, aiming for the kitchen so I could make a brew. As I walked past Philip's room, I noticed I forgot to shut a window before bed last night. I sighed, reaching for it and pulled it shut. I had no time for this. I quickly made a cup of tea before heading back to my bed. Hopefully, I didn't wake up Philip. As I headed back into my room, I turned on the light to see Gray with fucking blood stains all over his clothing.

"What the fuck,"

I whisper angrily.

"Aww, such a nice welcoming to your lovely home!"

He sarcastically barked.

"Shut the hell up, I don't live alone you know?"

I growl. He laughs manically.

"Aww, you're just as cute when you're angry!"

Jesus Christ. He was making a lot of noise. It all made sense now.

"You were the one who openedthe window in the lounge room?"

I sigh, bringing a palm up to my forehead.

"Ding ding ding! Correct, dear!"

To be honest, I was tired and sick of his games. I walked over to him and grabbed him by the collar. I pushed him up against the wall and snarled

"How did you find my house?"

"I followed you home, of course. From the police station, all the way to your house,"

He smirked. Suddenly, I was in the opposite position. He had a clutch of my shoulder and I was up against the wall instead of him.

"Get the fuck off of me. I'm too tired for any of these sick games!"

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