Prologue: Paradox

Start from the beginning

"we've designed this seal to fully extract the Archbishop's destructive powers, the authority or soo the cultist called will be stripped from him..."

Wait ...strip my he saying it can take away my abilities...

Now subaru was really interested his curiosity is now truly at height never had he thought they would come up with a contraption such as that....

As the they shoved subaru inside the coffin, a crystalized sword appeared above it then plunges at his chest but there was no pain...

The sword began extracting yet none realized its movements

The sword searched for pride yet there was none

It searched for other sins...

It tried to extract didn't work
Then to wrath same results...

Greed ...the sword avoided it, it was futile, all the more it seemed to be most attached and fused to it's user unlike all the authorities before...

Subaru's emotionless face was starting to turn tired and drained...

How ...why do I feel tired ...hngh-

Envy, the sword extracted was shattered and broken unlike the was the obvious choice...

After that subaru felt like crap he looked at the sword still plunged at his chest he realized what it had stole he didn't know what it had done but he felt if his heart had been torn out then crushed.....deep inside he suddenly realized what it had took...

Return by extracted Return by death ...this feeling ... could it be i....

the crowd and people surrounding subaru watched as Reinhardt took out the sword from his chest...the blade was now black lined with purple at the edges...

"Behold the authority of pride! Now it has been removed from this treacherous man!" The sword saint said the crowds clapped and cheered

"Kill him already!" One of the crowd said Then the others opened their support

"Yeah! End him! End HIM!"


"Off with his head!"

"I think we should be done with this i suppose..." Beatrice added pulling Emilia's sleeves

"Hmmmmm beatrice is righttttt~" Roswaal said

"Emilia-sama..." Reinhardt looked at Emilia...she nodded and walk near subaru who seemed to not pay attention to any of Thier actions he remained motionless but inside he was excited...

Finally ... finally it can end this Suffering...this boring, horrible and repetative cycle!...i wonder what's beyond heaven? hell? Or the vast nothingness?! My thirst to know what's beyond is now at fold I'm excited!...

His thoughts were interrupted when he caught glance of Emilia...

"Do you have any last words Natsuki Subaru..." she asked

He looked at her with a deadpanned expression...

"Just be done with it, you disgust me, the air you breath, your eyes, face, the way you talk, everything... you disgust me.... you selfish ignorant pathetic half elf, i hate you"

Emilia looked shaken by such wrath the man had for her, Reinhardt immediately shut the seal...the last thing subaru heard were curses directed at him he smirked as it closes...


his vision faded to black then flashed to green then black again.....

When he tried to move his body he can't until he felt his entire body was being reconstructed it was an odd feeling...

He felt shorter

His body now more lithe

As he finally stood and opened his eyes he saw was an endless darkness filled with green eyes looking at him he looked at one ....

Ow head..

Clutching his head he felt like needles had been thrusted into his eyes.... suddenly a surge of knowledge was force down into him... knowledge how use his sins...his abilities that had been reshaped over time...

Greed, Sloth, Wrath....

He reached out to the darkness at one of green eyes...


Suddenly the darkness began to severe and form a gap of light ....

Subaru walked into it, when he looked around him he saw he was in some sort of tomb...he then looked to where he came from...a void gap dark it was alienistic, filled in  with green,with white ribbons from it's top on to it's lower...

Gaps ...Boundaries between dimensions, distance, time space.. he raised his right hand and pointed at it

Close... He ordered it then it disappeared like nothing was there...

Sigh...i guess I have to get used to this......Manipulation of boundaries

The tomb was rather decent in size at all sides of the walls were lit torches
Subaru began to walk to one of the large four mirror like pillar that reflected his appearance...

He saw a what seem to be a young 15 year old girl? no boy he can tell he hasn't changed underneath, he wad Wearing a black suite and black coat that seem to be expensive his long white hair that reaches his waist, Skin as pale as snow, a beautiful face and green eyes...

"Green....why is it always- wait why is my voice higher pitched?!...."

He let out another tired sighed

"I'm free more dying for them again and again, no more executions ...I'"

He stared at the mirrored let a single tear fall from his eyes...he immediately wipe it off when I heard a noise...


It came from the center where the dead is placed, a young girl came down from the tomb then fell flat to the floor on her head was a halo, her two horns, a tail, and fragmented wings...her blue hair reminded him of blueberries...


A/n: finally i published this book was supposed to be released alongside my a song of warlock of greed book, but I delayed it, yes another re:forgottn fic, i planned to make three but i scraped the third since i think two is enough, one thing for Certain I'll be more invested in this than a song, but it depends on my time and mood, if you don't like it please don't read, i only do this just to entertain myself most of the time

As for Subaru's new apperance he looks like Hk416 from Girl's frontline I'll try making a bio and slap it at the end of chapter 1 which will be out just after this one or maybe in 2...

Until then!

Until then!

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