Prologue: Paradox

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The Sounds of Chains and locks being open rang in the lowest dungeons of lugunica...

"Subaru Natsuki Witch Cult's Archbishop of Pride." A purple haired knight, Julius declared as the door revealing a black haired man wearing only a brown cloak and filthy clothes.....

It had been ages since the very first Loop had started, the very day just after they had defeated gluttony in that tower ... beatrice and emilia had accused him of being an archbishop and was sent to jail to be tortured in Soo many ways as he remembered the words thrown at him by his spirit his friends and emilia it used to break him but now it's all null all nothing just mere wind...He looked at them with a dull expression neither showing, anguish, nor emotions just a normal and empty face ...

"What's with that creepy expression..." Ferris said in disgust, no matter how many times they tried to break the young man he always had that expression....

"Julius bring him here" the voice of the sword saint sounded with regal, julius then grabbed subaru dragging him outside of his cell..."

It was always like this, stuck in a save point where he's already in the most inescapable cell, a year of imprisonment and of course...

His the people gathered all over the platform just outside of the royal palace of Lugunica, Reinhardt began dragging him forward at the edge where every citizen could see him...

He remembered how many times it happened but with different outcomes and methods of course hanging, beheading be it the sword saint's own sword or just normal one embed with spells, mutilation to death and burning at a stake like how medieval europe executed times there are other kinds of execution like drowning in barrel of sea water with appas on it, cutting his private part or organs out, being fed to different kinds of beasts and more.....

but sooner or later like all loops it'll keep repeating a single loop of him being burnt to death will spawn five hundred outcomes of him being burnt to all just keep repeating, it gets dull and boring, like watching an old movie with a few edits here and there for like......3,402,193,822,293 Times

The sun was shining bright as he watched Emilia, Roswaal, Beatrice and Garfiel walked up to the execution platform...the crowd was roaring with praises to the half elf...

Reinhardt Signaled The Crowd To Be quite as they followed Emilia stepped forward...

"It had been a 5 months since the witch of envy was slained by me and the sword is time for the witch cult's final embers to fade as well! With the sealing of the last sin archbishop...Natsuki Subaru the Sin Archbishop Representing Pride!" Emilia declared with conviction in her voice The Crowd was now back into a roaring fit even louder than before...

As subaru looked with boredom at the crowd, it was always like this the witch that only cared for him dies, he's executed...then a loop starts again and again...

Wait ...did she say seal?

He thought as a column of hooded men carried a black coffin with multiple writings on it...

Interesting... truly interesting this outcome is new ...the first of its kind out of all the loops I've experienced so far...

Subaru was surprised by how much his mind actually accumulated over the years but it didn't matter, all of this, it's just a means to another end... despite the sudden surge of curiosity subaru had, his mind soon told him it will be another new out come that will branch into mere repeats...

Ah such satisfaction to only fade within mere seconds ... truly tragic

He stated in a listless thought, his inner thinking was soon brought out as the sword saint spoke suddenly...

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