Chapter 1

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Luke's POV

Orientation day, yay.

I swear school will be the death of me. I never understood the concept. We're going to school to eventually have a career that we won't like, to buy things that we don't need, to impress people that we don't care about. How stupid is that? Whatever.

There are five months left until I graduate. Approximately 150 days and I am finally free from this hell. Everyone around me already knows which University they're going to apply to and I'm just here waiting for a miracle to happen. I honestly don't know what I want to do with my life. Meh.

I've always been jealous of people who knew what they wanted to do when they grow up since they were young (= every single one of my friends). My best friend Ashton always knew he wanted to be a psychologist. His girlfriend, Cindy, always knew she wanted to be a pharmacist. My other friend, Josh, will follow his father's footprints and become a mechanic. And then there's me, wishing that I could be paid for watching Supernatural all day long.

"Hey mate, what's up? You look kinda down." I looked up to face my curly headed best friend, staring at me with a confused look and realized everybody had left the classroom except me.

"Oh, hey bud! I'm alright, I must've zoned out while the guidance counselor was talking." I laughed and stood up. "Want to hang out tonight?" I said, grabbing my backpack and throwing it over my shoulders.

"I wish I could but I promised Cindy I'd attend to her dance practice. I can't cancel this, I hope you understand." Ashton replied, with a frown forming on his face. He probably knew I'd be disappointed.

"Yeah, sure, I understand. It's totally fine." I told him, before waving goodbye and taking our separate ways.

It's always like that. Ashton and I used to always be together until he met Cindy, in 8th grade. Since that time, we barely hang out, and when we do, Cindy is always around. Don't get me wrong, I like the chick, but I'm kinda sad that her relationship with my best friend has a huge effect on my relationship with him.

Another Friday night spent alone. I feel lonely, I am lonely. I've never been the popular guy with three thousand friends, attending to every high school party in history, who has a different girlfriend every week (that would be hard though since my attraction towards girls is nonexistent). And since Ashton has been half of a best friend lately, the only person I have left is Josh. He's a cool dude, but we're so different. We're the type of friends who can't spend too much time together or else we'll end up killing each other. But that's fine; I'd rather be alone than be surrounded by idiots. Speaking of idiots, I just spotted Michael Clifford and Calum Hood, the biggest jerks on this planet. Ugh.

"What are you looking at, fag?" Michael spat, while his stupid friend just stared at me, cracking up.

"N-n-not much," I stuttered, before running away as fast as I could.


"How was your day at school, honey?" my mom asked me, while I was taking off my shoes.

"Meh," I mumbled, while speed walking towards the staircase leading up to my room.

I hate school; I hate it more than anything in this world. I don't even know what keeps me going right now. I let myself fall on my bed, exhausted. Is it that obvious? Is the word 'homosexual' written on my forehead? I grabbed my phone and clicked on my Sleeping with Sirens playlist.

"Hubcaps and ashtrays

I was born but I wasn't raised

The big wheel the black space

Tried my best but wasn't praised"

I sang along, forgetting about everything for a moment. Kellin's voice has to be the most soothing thing I've ever heard.

"Hell is so close to Heaven

Hell is so close to Heaven"

If only this was true. Everyone tells me that everything's going to get better, but they never do.

"Hold on don't look back

You know we're better were better than that

Lost and thrown away

You know we're better were better than that

We are the strays, whoah

We are the strays, whoah"

Music is such a beautiful thing; it can touch every single human. Too bad I don't have any musical talent, because that would be an amazing career. Just imagine; being paid for doing the thing I like the most: singing. It's kinda sad that I sound like a dying whale, though.

I decided to skip dinner; I'm not really in the mood for human interaction. I'd rather stay in my bed watching videos of my favorite bands. Oh, the fanboy life.

"You're tired of feeling lonely and you want to be in a relationship. All your friends ditch you and you don't know what to do with your life anymore."

Ugh, stupid advertisement.

"We have the solution for you. Download the Flirtualicious app, available on all mobile, to meet single people. Free, simple and worth it. Hurry up and sign up!"

I'm almost convinced. I mean, internet relationships are trending at the moment and I've got nothing to lose, right? If it doesn't work, well at least I would've tried. Oh god, I sound so desperate.


Username: luke_is_a_penguin

First name: Luke

Last name: Skywalker

(My mom would kill me if I'd put my real name)

Age: 17

Interested in: Males

Now all I need to do is wait.

I mean, I've signed up half an hour ago, it's totally normal that nobody has talked to me yet.

Or is it?

Okay, I give up.


I jumped in the shower, letting the hot water hit my skin. It's crazy how a simple shower can make me feel better. I took the bottle of shower gel in my right hand, pressing it, allowing the product to land in my left hand. I applied it on my body, and then I let the water drown all soap residues. I took the bottle of shampoo, murmuring my favorite song of the moment, "Kids in the dark" by All time low. I appliedthe shampoo intomyhair. After beingwashedproperly, I pulled out of the shower andslipped on my pajama pants, ready to go to bed.

I walked in my room, and laid on my bed. Before actually going to sleep, I picked up my phone and realized I had a notification from the Flirtualicious app, mentioning that I had a new message. I opened it.

Oh, great. Hey there ;)


Hello people!

So if there are actually people who will read this,

I just wanted to mention that my first language is French, so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes :/

I hope you liked this chapter, it's kinda short because I'm not sure if y'all will like this story or not so this is like a test x)

So yeah if you liked it, please comment and vote and subscribe or whatever xD

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