I was making dinner while Dairy Queer watched TV. I let him call his boyfriend to let everyone know where he was.

I was still smiling, thinking of him grinning at me like that. He never smiled at me. He was usually annoyed or distressed or indifferent.

His smile... It was different than anything I'd ever seen. Truly, like sunshine.

I peered over at him. He was watching the TV carefully. That was a first.

I went into the living room and watched the screen. MTV. Of course.

Some rock music video was on.

I let him enjoy it and went back to cook. All the while all I could think about was his smile.

"Dinner." I called when it was finished.

T turned off the TV and joined me in the kitchen. He looked at the suspicious pots and pans.

"It's chicken with potatoes and vegetables," I clarified.

T opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off. "And yes you have to eat the chicken."

He pouted dissatisfied.

I gave him a plate and watched him fill it. Well, it wasn't really filled. Barely even halfway.

"You're gonna have to eat a little more than that."

Timothy looked at me with big pleading eyes. Not fair. Not fair at all. I thought of his smile if I said yes. A warm feeling in my stomach..

God, no. I was getting soft.

I nodded toward the pan. "Come on." I insisted.

Reluctantly, T added another half scoop of food to his plate and sat down. I sat in front of him with four times the amount of food he had and dug in.

T just played with his food.

"I didn't know you could cook." He said.

That's what having a deadbeat parent will do for ya.

"I know what I like to eat. So I just make food taste that way, easy."

"I don't have that kind of patience."

"Well, you don't like to eat, right? There's no point in cooking if you're not gonna eat it."

T nodded looking wistful. He was really dreading this meal, wasn't he?

"Think of the granola bar." I said before taking a big bite.

That worked instantly. Timothy glared at me and took his first bite.

"It's not so bad, right?"

T nodded and ate some more.

After a while he smirked a bit. "Josh,"

Hearing my name out of his mouth still made me feel some type of way.

"You're really working hard for just a couple cuts of meat. You know my dad will just give it to you if you ask, right?"


Timothy watched me intently.

"And?" Was all I could say.

"What's the real reason you're here?"

I was ready to deny it but I didn't know what to say. What was I doing here? Sure, I loved bossing him around and eating the meat but that wasn't all.

I.. I liked being here. Especially since at my home there was only gloom. Ironically, in this goth house there was more life than in my white one. That was the reason and that alone.

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora