Start from the beginning

"Think of him as a friend. Just here to help."

"Help with what?"

"With whatever! Look, I gotta go." Joe pulled me aside. "Make sure he eats, don't lose sight of him especially if he gets sad, his pills are on the piano, he takes one every day, if he won't eat meat, a salad is fine, uh... Did I forget something?"

"Yes! Your trip! It'll be fine! Goodbye, Joe!" I practically pushed him out the door.

"My number's on the piano! Call me if anything happens! I'll call every hour-"

"Don't! Have fun! Bye!" I waved. I looked behind me and Timothy was still sulking. "Come say goodbye." I commanded.

Timothy sighed and joined me in the door opening. He waved as his dad drove off. I took this moment to smell him again. Today he smelled more powdery. Like an old doll.. Interesting.

Timothy went back inside. "I'm going back to bed."

"No, you're not." This was gonna be fun. One whole weekend of ordering someone around. And I even got free meat with it!

"First you're gonna take your pill, then eat some breakfast.. and then we'll figure out the rest."

"I'm not a kid. I can-"

"It's not about what you can. It's about what I want. For the rest of this weekend." I grinned.

"And what if I don't listen?"

"Well, you said it yourself, I'm a strong, football-playing, meat-loving guy." I got inch to inch with him. "I could always use force." I smirked.

"I never said strong."

"You thought it, though."

Timothy gave in walked into the kitchen.

He sat down at the island table and went on his phone.

"Texting Fangs again? Seriously, you saw him yesterday."

I grabbed a box of cereal.

"I don't eat that."

"Not my problem. I could always shove it down your throat. Remember the muesli bar?"

Timothy went to the fridge. He rummaged through and held up a cup of yogurt. "How about this instead?"

I rolled my eyes. "What, need to stay in shape for your little boyfriend? Fine. Whatever." I made my cereal and sat across Timothy.

He was so incredibly irritating. All he was doing was texting that Australian idiot. What about me? The whole point of this weekend was that I'd get to order him around. Not watch him have fun with someone else in front of my face!

"Give me that."

Timothy looked at me like I was crazy.

"I'm serious. This is a weekend of good old fashioned fun. No phones. Give that here."

"Why are you doing this? Do you like torturing me?"

I snatched the phone from his hand. Timothy didn't even fight. He honestly looked exhausted. Not a morning person, I gathered.

He sighed and laid his head on the table.

"Take your pill and eat. I'm not telling you again."

Timothy slowly shuffled over to the piano and took one pill from the jar. I made sure to watch him swallow. He joined me at the table and obediently ate his breakfast. He looked so miserable. You'd think he was eating poison.

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyWhere stories live. Discover now