= Bakugo Katsuki x Reader - post detention comfort =

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TW: swearing, Bakugo being Bakugo, shouting, trash TV, Mina Aishido (brief appearance), heavy metal

GEN! reader

requested by - no one again

imported from tumblr!

AN: most reader stuff that I do without being a request will end up being very much a self insert lol


There you sat, on the couch in the middle of the common room. You weren't doing much, just doodling and practicing some sketches as something blasted from your earphones. You turned the music down a bit, not too much but just enough that you could lightly hear the scratches you made on the coarse paper.

You were alone in the dorms. Everyone else had gone out, either to hang out, go to a club or extra-studies. With the exception of two people; You were, as always, choosing to stay inside. You never liked going out all too much.

He however, was stuck in detention. He walked in, stomping over to the couch. He dropped his bag on the floor as he slumped next to you; taking a headphone out, you asked, "So... How was it?"

"Shit. Don't fucking ask anymore questions," He rashly spoke out, and before you even had a chance to open your mouth again, he was already angrily ranting, "They made me fuckin' sit in silence. For basically three whole ass hours. Then I had to write an apology letter. AND THEN MR AIZAWA FUCKING CRITIQUED THE GOD DAMNED APOLOGY LETTER I DIDN'T EVEN WANNA FUCKING WRITE!"

You giggle lightly, covering your mouth. He slumped back into his seat. He was sooo pissed over what, a 15 minute detention for being "too rough" in training. Granted, it was with you and you could've spoken out, but you knew with how Mr Aizawa knew of Katsuki's reputation, he would've thought you were trying to just not get him to be pissed at you.

You gave Katsuki an earbud. He nodded along to the tune; one of the few things you bonded with in the beginning was your music taste, bands like Slipknot, Lorna shore, System of a down, Korn, even more emotional bands like pierce the veil. He leaned on your shoulder looking at what you were drawing - it wasn't much, only a few hand and pose studies - and congratulated you. You gave him a small peck on the cheek and stood up, setting your drawing stuff down and walking into the kitchen. He followed you. It was funny sometimes, you would walk into another room and, without fail, he'd tail right behind you. He liked to give this tough and mean persona so much, but it was nice just how much he liked being around you. Sure it wasn't much of a persona, that was actually him. But it was nice to see him let down his walls and spend time with you. It got upped to 10 when he had tough days like these, even the smallest thing could tick him off and you managed to calm him down, even getting sappy moments like thes-

"Are you wearing fucking lip gloss? MY WHOLE CHEEKS FUCKING SHINY AND STICKY YOU BITCH!" he cut your thought process. Of course he had to ruin the moment.

"You know what else makes your cheek shiny and sticky?" you remarked back, shit-eating grin staining your usually dead-eyed stare.

"No, NO. I'm not fucking JOKING here. How the ever living FUCK do I get this off?" He stressed as he walked up to you, and you grabbed a wet wipe and wiped his cheek with it. He muttered a small thanks and you smiled back. You grabbed some chips and sat back down, noticing he'd turned on a show on TV. Another funny thing about him? He LOVES trash TV, things like the kardashians, the bachelor, anything like that. And what he loved about watching them with you? You watched along with him, even jokingly (and sometimes genuinely) getting invested in the material. He stole a couple chips from you, and inched closer. By the time the episode was over, you two were so close that if someone were to walk in, they'd think you were one person.

You both debated whether or not to watch another episode, and came to the conclusion that the answer is almost always yes. It was peaceful. Just you two, the chips had long finished but none of you could bother to step away from each other's warmth to grab more. It was now long dark, winter was often like that. But with just the light illuminating the whole room, it felt like this was all that mattered.

The next episode went automatically, as did the very much expected shriek from a familiar voice.

"OMG are you two watching the bachelor?? OHHH is this a date night??" Mina shrieked, then quickly coming in between both of you, lowering her voice so low it was practically only a breath, "We're not interrupting anything, are we?"

Bakugo was quick to almost shout at her, but you interjected rapidly, "No, not at all Mina, feel free to join in! You've watched this episode already, I think. If you don't mind that then feel free."

You heard a short huff from Katsuki. Soon, almost the whole class had gathered together to watch. And with that many people, you felt it getting late. You snuck of, getting ready for bed and as you laid down, you texted Katsuki,



Imma head to beddy byes.




gn too.





didnt notice lulz + skill issue + L + ratio

jkjk but rlly i didnt notice

anyways, good night <3


ughh fine.

good night to you too



do you not love me anymore?












You turned your phone off, putting it on charge. You grinned like you were mad, as your tired eyes fluttered shut and you sunk into the comfort of your bed.

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