Haerin is an only child and her father won custody of her, Haerin doesn't mind it, she loves her father but she also loves her mother, it's just that things might not work out for them.

A year later his father introduced her to a woman, her face was very motherly and kind, they often go out and have dinner together, the woman treated Haerin very well. Then one night they had dinner at the woman's house, and Haerin met Hyein, another only child.

Hyein is a typical teenage girl, with a slightly mature face for her age and she is very tall. Hyein of course smiled at her when she introduced herself but she wasn't offended when Haerin just stared at her with a straight face. At dinner that night, Hyein never tried to get close to her, she just smiled when their eyes accidentally meet.

When Haerin's father and Hyein's mother finally got married and they moved into Haerin's house, Hyein still respected Haerin's privacy and her preference to not interact with others. They were sent to the same high school, but they go to school separately. Haerin is a morning person and Hyein likes to come to class 15 minutes before the bell rings.

Hyein introduces her to her friends, they are all the same as her, cheerful, enjoyed doing activities at school, goes to the ice cream shop near school, Haerin can't stand them, really noisy.

Hanni is the treasurer of the student council, her stature and face is like a junior high school student, she is cheerful like Hyein and Haerin knows that Hanni likes her very much, the girl talks to her several times and gives her something but she will just ignore her.

Minji the tall girl is rather quiet but she is the vice president of the student council, her face is beautiful as well as handsome, and she follows Hanni like a stupid puppy.

But among all, the Australian girl Danielle Marsh is the most irritating for Haerin. She was the class champion, the school's representative for science competitions, the teacher's pet. She has a bubby pesonality, always smiling, love skinship too much.

At the first meet Danielle almost hugged her, Hyein quickly held Danielle by saying Haerin didn't like physical touch, and Danielle happily held Haerin's hand and said they could be good friends and go shopping or to the movies together, Haerin almost jerked Danielle's hand but Hyein (again) pulled Danielle and saying they had to hurry to the cafeteria.

She knew Danielle sometimes looked at her in class, when she was being scolded by the teacher, or she tried to take her to the infirmary when she was injured in a fight, Haerin hated Danielle's kindness.

In the end Hyein never invited Haerin to be with her friends anymore, she just let her be.

When they were at home they also didn't try to be closer, Hyein knew Haerin liked to be alone and she understood that, she could invite her friends if she was feeling lonely or go out with them, she just asked what Haerin wanted to eat if it was on the weekend, or engaged Haerin in conversation if their parents were around, Haerin was grateful that Hyein understood her.


The sound of breaking things made Hyein wake up from her sleep, she blinked her eyes, she glanced at the digital clock on her bedside table, half past 1 am.
She looked at her bed, there was no Danielle, Hyein furrowed her brows, she rubbed her eyes and walked out of the room. There were faint murmurs and lights from the direction of the kitchen. Her parents were out of town on vacation and would be back next weekend, so Danielle absolutely made the noise earlier, Hyein sighed, her best friend was so clumsy sometimes.

Hyein entered the kitchen, there was a glass shard on the floor, along with spilled milk, Danielle was standing near the refrigerator, she looked like she had been crying. Hyein looked over, staring at Haerin who was standing casually leaning against the kitchen counter, these two people were such a contrasting sight.
Hyein took a breath, "What is going on?", Danielle opened her mouth, "I..I woke up because I was thirsty, and..I went to the kitchen to get a glass of milk..and..I was just surprised that I didn't see Hae..." Danielle was nervous.
"You were startled because I turned on the light, not because you didn't see me." Haerin said lazily. "Were you crying because you were surprised?" Hyein asked Danielle.
Danielle's mouth opened and closed like a fish lacking oxygen, Haerin snorted, she smiled mockingly.

Danielle pressed her lips together, she then squatted down and cleaned up the broken glass, "Just leave it Dani, you'll hurt your hand." said Hyein.
"I broke it, I have to clean it up, I'm sorry Hyein your glass is one less." smiled Danielle, Hyein glanced at Haerin, she was looking at Danielle, still with her lazy gaze.
No one spoke, only the sound of broken glass being swept up and thrown into the trash, "You go back to the room first Dani, I'll catch up." said Hyein, Danielle said nothing and headed for the room.
" Freak."
Hyein stopped whatever she was doing and hit Haerin with the mop handle.
"Hey!" Haerin held the mop handle in annoyance.
"What exactly did you do to make her cry?" Hyein was clearly fed up with her stepsister.

"I was also thirsty and wanted a drink, when I turned on the kitchen light she screamed like a turkey being slaughtered, didn't you hear?".
"Then why is she crying?"
Haerin closed her mouth tightly, Hyein squinted his eyes, she walked over to Hyein.
"You know your height doesn't affect me." Haerin mocked.
"I'll tell Danielle that you noticed the shape of her eyes when she laughed, Dani the kind and positive girl will definitely be happy, imagine if she tells other friends about your attention again."

Haerin looked at Hyein angrily, Hyein grinned happily.
"I said she should just go home, her voice and presence will just ruin my relaxing time on the weekends."
Hyein gasped, he hit Haerin again with the mop handle.
"How dare you say that! Apologize to her!"
Haerin laughed loudly.
"We've been sisters for 3 years Hyein, and if you think I'm going to apologize to someone else, especially Danielle Marsh, I hope you go back to your bed and continue your sleep, in the morning you might wake up with a healthier mind." after that Haerin left Hyein.

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