She is wolverine

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After Kenzo kissed Ashely , he said " uh.. sorry."

Ash - Why am i on the floor.

He helped her up and said " uh,. you drop you phone."

Ash - your lying

Kenzo gulped and said " no. you dropped your phone."

Ash got up from the floor and said " your lying I can sense your heart - she was shocked because she saw claws coming out from her knuckles.

Kenzo backed away and said " you need to calm down. The claws will go back into your knuckles."

After she calm down. She said " what the funck ( take out the letter n ) did you do to me."

Kenzo said " lets sit in the living room and talk about to this."

( zomwolf - zombie/ werewolf ) and there was no cure fo I didn't believe him until i turned eighteen.

I was on the verge of death. A stranger save me buy giving me his own blood. Two months later, he told me on his death bed that he was cursed and there was no cure. I told him he was crazy. he cough and then said " when you turn 18 you will believe me."

Then his heart stop.

Kenzo backed away and said " you need to calm down. The claws will go back into your knuckles."

After she calm down. She said " what the funck ( take out the letter n ) did you do to me."

Kenzo said " lets sit in the living room and talk about to this."

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