Chapter 3

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When Saturday finally came, Kate looked good. She was ready with her hair up in a ribbon and her black dress. At first she wanted it to be prefect.

When the clock strike 8:00 pm he was there at the door. Deku stood there outside her apartment door with his casual look a clean white collar shirt leaving two buttons unbuttons and casual navy blue pants and designer shoes. The shows were Gucci. He was amazed at how she looked so gorgeous in her dress. Deku had to be the luckiest guy and Kate was the luckiest girl.

Kate was confused at how he was dressed so casual as if they were going to the movies, while she was dresses as if she won an Oscar award. She felt silly in her dresses and sat down.

" what's wrong ? " he asked.

" how could I go out like this. Duh I thought... I really feel weird."

" you shouldn't. You look so beautiful and i'd love to show everyone in central park of how beautiful you look."

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