boyfriend gets shot

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Chosen one

* Moka broke up with Kevin. Jake and Moka became friends. Jake found out that Moka is an ABH. Jake also became friend with Boom, Zeplin and Fofo.

A month later Moka was having a movie marathon with her sister and her sister's boyfriend.

Seth pov
When the movie was over, I was going to ask my girlfriend if she wanted to watch another movie. I looked to my left and saw that she was sleeping. I was got up from the couch and said " another movie guys."

Jake said " I'll pop another one in."

Moka said " why not."

I went upstairs to get a blanket from my room. When I came back down I heard my brother

said " just be careful, I don't want you in the hospital."

" I'll be fine. plus Boomer and Zep got my back."

Just as he was about to answer , I took a step and the stair creaked. Both of them looked at me. My brother whispered something to her. Moka said " I'll get more popcorn."

Third Pov
After Moka went into the kitchen, Seth covered his girlfriend with the blanket and noticed that the bowl was on the coffee table .

Seth said " she forgot the bowl." He took it and went in the kitchen and then was shocked making him drop the bowl.

Jake sat there for a minute and then rushed to the kitchen.

When Seth was in the kitchen with the bowl, He dropped it because he was in shocked. There was a skeleton on fire trying to open the back door. Jake said " sugar honey ice tea." ( first letter of sugar, First letter of honey. First letter of Ice. First letter of tea. )

'When the skeleton turned around it started to walk towards me. When Seth took a step back.

Jake sigh and then said " do it."

Seth was bout to say something when Moak said " I'm sorry."

After Moka used her tranquilized gun on Seth, Jake caught him and then said " you own me more."

Moka said " shut up." and left the house.

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