Chapter 4

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School Started again. College whar stree it bought. It was like that for Kate. But now that she had Deku it seemed that all the stress she had was gone. Things were going great. It was time for theatre class. The teacher announced that a new student was here.

" well intro duce your self."

" hi I just moved here from L.A. My name is Kiroo."

Kate saw how Deku's face lit up and she felt some competition. But then she thought this isn't highschool she shouldn't worry.

" Hey Deki. I didn't know you take this class! Wow its been like four years," She exclaimed as she gave him a hug.

" oh no!" Kate thought she's probably his girlfriend.

Lunch came.... Kate sat where she always sat in. Which was Starbucks.

Deku came and so did Kiroo.. He sat next to Kate and so did Kiroo.

Kiroo - Looks like Rila Fukushima

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