The new Runner

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Later Thomas and Ingrid were on the cliff talking.
Ingrid: So your a runner now
Thomas: Yep
Ingrid: I could like show you the ropes of being a runner, I would definitely be a better Yoda then anyone else
Thomas: Okay yeah you teach me
Ingrid: Yeah I'd be your Yoda
Thomas: Yeah you be my Yoda
Ingrid: Your Yoda I will be, I said it backwards
Thomas: Yeah I know
Ingrid: Alright now I definitely hate you, uh huh
Thomas: I've been getting these dreams when I go to sleep
Ingrid: About what?
Thomas: Of us before the Glade and then it goes to these labs and people saying Wicked is good
Ingrid: Wicked is good? What does that mean?
Thomas: I don't know, have you had any memories?
Ingrid: When I came up here I had some memories besides my name one of them was that Newt was my brother and that was it, then I started getting them again when you came up no labs though I remember you and us but I don't remember who I was or who you were but we must of had something before the Glade
Thomas: Do you think we'd be able to get all our memories back
Ingrid: Maybe, I don't know but I do know I'd like to get to know you but I doubt we're gonna get all the memories back
Thomas: I'd like to know you too
Ingrid smiles.
Thomas: Do you get anything else with the dreams
Ingrid: You say in every dream to "remember...
Thomas: I love you
Ingrid: Yeah?
Thomas: I see that vision too
Ingrid: And then it feels like I'm drowning and then I wake up and that's it
Thomas: Why are we the only ones remembering? Just us?
Ingrid: I don't know? I don't know anything all I know is that we all need to get out of this place, I think I need to show you something you can't tell anyone about it
Thomas: Okay
They went into the deadheads into a hut.
Thomas: Hey where are we going?
Ingrid: You'll see
Ingrid takes the sheet off.
Ingrid: It's the Maze all of it
Thomas: What do you mean all of it? I thought you were still mapping it
Ingrid: There's nothing left to map I've run every inch of it myself every circle every pattern if there was a way out we would of found it by now
Thomas: Why haven't you told anyone this?
Ingrid: It was Alby's call, people needed to believe we had a chance of getting out but maybe now we have a real chance
Ingrid hands Thomas the device.
Ingrid: Take a look at this about 5 months ago we started exploring these outer sections we found these numbers printed on the wall section 1 through 8 see the way it works is every night when the Maze changes it opens up a new section so today section 6 would be open tomorrow it will be 4 then 8 then 3 the pattern always stays the same
Thomas see's the number 7 on the device.
Thomas: What's so special about 7?
Ingrid: I don't know but last night when you killed that Griever section 7 was open I think it must be where it comes from, tomorrow you and I are gonna take a closer look
Then two Glader's came to them.
Ingrid: Hey, what are you guys doing? You're not allowed in here
Jack: Sorry it's just the uh
Charles: It's the girl
Thomas: Is she awake
Jake: You could say that
They ran out to the rest of the glade.
Thomas: Chuck what's going on
Chuck laughs.
Chuck: Girls are awesome
Ingrid smiles.
Teresa: Leave me alone
Gally: Hey, throw one more of those things
Teresa: Go away
Ingrid and Thomas run over to the others hiding under things.
Frypan: We come in peace
Thomas: What happened
Gally: Just duck
Newt: I don't think she likes us very much
Greenie: What do you want from me
Thomas: Hey look we just want to talk
Teresa: I'm warning you
Frypan: Take cover y'all take cover
Thomas: Hey, hey, whoa, it's Thomas, it's Thomas
Greenie stopped throwing things.
Thomas: Okay, I'm gonna come up, okay just me
Gally looked confused.
Thomas: I'm coming up
Thomas started to climb up. When he got up he saw that the Greenie saw holding a machete.
Thomas: Whoa, whoa, whoa, okay, just...easy, all right?
Greenie: Where am I? What is this place? Why can't I remember anything?
Thomas: This is all normal, okay? Your name, that'll come back to you in a couple days, it's like the one thing that–
Greenie: Teresa
Thomas: What'd you say?
Teresa: My name, it's Teresa
Thomas: Okay, all right, Teresa, I'm Thomas but you already knew that, though, I guess, huh?
Teresa: They said I kept saying your name in my sleep, who are you?
Thomas: I don't know, I can't remember, okay? None of us....none of us here can remember anything, we all woke up here, just like you did, hey, I promise, we're...I'm gonna take this
Thomas slowly takes the machete from Teresa.
Thomas: Okay
Gally: What's going up there?
Thomas looks down from the cliff to see Gally.
Newt: Is she coming down?
Thomas: Um...
Thomas looks at Teresa then back to everyone else.
Thomas: Hey, listen, you guys just give us a second, okay?
Gally sighs.
Newt: All right, come on
Frypan: Is this what all girls are like?
Ingrid: It's not!!
Clint: That girl is crazy
Ingrid: Look she's just scared so give her a break, give her a chance like you did with me
Zart: But you didn't attack us
Ingrid: I fought Gally and won so I technically attacked him
Zart: Fine
They all walk off.

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